Mr Obama's personal lawyer Bob Bauer, another campaign loyalist.
奥巴马的私人律师鲍勃·鲍尔(Bob Bauer)只是又一个竞选保皇派而已。
And indeed Chomsky cannot be written off as another regime loyalist.
He was a Ladbrokes loyalist, staying with the company for 20 years.
She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant.
One Gadhafi loyalist appeared to be still alive, his right hand a bloody stump.
I'm glad to find another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city.
I'm glad to find another true - hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city.
Mr. Zhang, a salesman in the city of Fushun, in northeastern China, was a Samsung loyalist.
In 1778, he was released, and organized a band of Loyalist guerrillas to fight for the British.
The current army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, a former Musharraf loyalist, could never allow that.
Loyalist forest is proud of our hardwood flooring, direct from the forests of Southeastern Ontario.
But the implication was that this would happen only after loyalist forces had regained control of the city.
But loyalist forces are squeezed in a receding central buffer from Sirte on the coast to Sebha in the desert.
He even dealt Palpatine an embarrassing blow by proving that a member of his Loyalist Committee had strong Separatist ties.
The most valuable employee is no longer a loyalist willing to trail a candidate for months, but a skilled digital researcher.
"The long record shows that Clinton can indeed make mistakes, but that he is not capable of sustained error," says one loyalist.
Unionist leaders have set up a forum to talk about flags and other loyalist complaints, but the protesters are not co-operating.
In one attack, a loyalist convoy hit a pumping station linking one of the country's best fields, at Mislah, to the port at Tobruk.
If Protestant farmers are murdered, it is not by reason of their religion, but rather because they are under suspicion as Loyalist.
A third loyalist, who drove the gunmen to the solicitor's home, was not an agent at the time but later told police he had been involved.
A Libyan rebel walks past the bodies of loyalist fighters lying dead at the south entrance of the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli on August 25, 2011.
Loyalist paramilitaries, still armed to the teeth, may seek to even up the body-count. Trust between old antagonists, on which power-sharing rests, is fragile.
Senator Lexi Dio, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Uyter during the early days of the Clone Wars.
When Cook finally made him senior vice President, it generated goodwill inside and outside the company — and turned an important Jobs loyalist into a key Cook ally.
Senator Onaconda Farr, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Rodia during the early days of the Clone Wars.
Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.
It was unclear what targets Nato was attacking but one unconfirmed report on Al-Arabiya TV said that loyalist artillery had been shelling the towns of Zuara and Ajelat, west of the capital.
It was unclear what targets Nato was attacking but one unconfirmed report on Al-Arabiya TV said that loyalist artillery had been shelling the towns of Zuara and Ajelat, west of the capital.