'You cannot, if we did not,' Mr Clare answered lucidly.
The evidence is lucidly presented, in both words and images.
Below are a few rules of thumb that will have you using typography more lucidly than ever before.
The basic thinking behind all of these policies has been explained quite lucidly on a number of occasions.
Although everyone has the potential to dream lucidly, it rarely happens routinely without special training or temperament.
This award makes the case very lucidly that there is extraordinary business value to maintain our advertisement spend, especially in the time of recession.
An Australian expert in psychology from the University of New South Wales, who has been researching human emotions, has found that being grumpy makes people think more lucidly.
All you need be concerned with in terms of growing is that you honor and respect that which is occurring, focusing more and more lucidly on the delineated structure of the present moment.
All you need be concerned with in terms of growing is that you honor and respect that which is occurring, focusing more and more lucidly on the delineated structure of the present moment.