It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.
Merlin arranged a pageant where many knights came to try their luck at pulling a sword out of a stone.
As he swam away, he called out: "Good-by, Alidoro, good luck and remember me to the family!"
I couldn't quite believe my luck it turned out no one got badly hurt, but the outcome could have been awful.
The worst luck turned out well for the Knicks, who watched Anthony earn two fouls in the opening 88 seconds that regulated him to the bench the rest of the first quarter.
Since there is just one job available for every five individuals looking for work, four of the five are out of luck.
But, if you want to make your data portable across carriers, you may be out of luck.
Thus, if your second call depends on your first one finishing first, you may be out of luck.
Sure, I lucked out in this abysmal job market, but I didn't luck out in the equally abysmal dating game.
It may be fairer to say that, dealt a rotten hand, Mr Wagoner tried to do many of the right things, but ran out of luck and time.
With a static compiler that only compiled one class at a time, we'd be out of luck.
Pissoirs are for men only; women are out of luck and should continue searching for a public toilet.
Do not forget to save the private key generated; otherwise, you will be out of luck when you try to connect to the virtual machine with an SSH client.
I can hear you saying... "I thought some people were just born with it and the rest of us were out of luck!"
There's a problem for many fans, however: They want to watch Lang Lang's hands on the keyboard, and if they're not seated at the proper angle, they're out of luck.
But this doesn't mean you're out of luck with trying to take great baseball pictures.
I wasn't single for twelve years out of bad luck or bad vibes or bad dating skills.
If you want to send the same message to two different mailing lists or Twitter accounts you are simply out of luck.
The reality is that fans of other browsers are simply out of luck if they want to use this operating system.
Whereas education levels were the best prediction of whether someone born in a favela would make it out, hard work and good luck were also needed.
Let them ask the questions - By allowing them to lead the conversation, you might "luck out" and get a bunch of "yes or no" questions.
If you were a member of Canon's CPS (Canon Professional Services) program, you might have had the chance to borrow one. If not, you're out of luck.
In some cases, they need to make a choice to trust them or believe their luck, and maybe that is the only way out.
Confused, you stumble out into the lobby where, as luck would have it, you bump into an usher.
And if I want to spend more time there, I'm out of luck because the ship is soon leaving.
Crashing, spitting out a "sorry, you're out of luck" message, or printing out a stack trace is not error handling. That is error reporting.
And if a range of addresses was selected, we were out of luck unless the business was a significant place, such as a local landmark or historical site.
Their luck ran out in the end but they never gave up thanks to their manager urging them on from the sidelines.
It was only luck that I wasn't found out, because the professor never quizzed us on our reading; everything depended on the final exam.
It was only luck that I wasn't found out, because the professor never quizzed us on our reading; everything depended on the final exam.