As a News Feature article in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years.
It is a lucrative arrangement.
They provide a lucrative and lethal business, against which most consumers are powerless.
Financial services are lucrative and provide a much more stable income than crops and fickle tourists.
It would be long indeed ere you would find so lucrative a post as that you have how the good fortune to fill.
If he can pull it off, the string of concerts at a single venue would be both lucrative and less demanding than a full-fledged tour.
There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated "race to the finish line", whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or a lucrative career.
They do a lot of business in lucrative overseas markets.
There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated "race to the finish line", whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or lucrative career.
Rather than being a lucrative job, in her experience, as soon as a woman starts working at one of the clubs, it costs her money.
If it wasn't for our minimalist lifestyle I would not have had the freedom to say no to a lucrative paying job.
Prove yourself, however, and an often extremely lucrative job as a crab fisherman could eventually be yours.
The followers of microblogs can sometimes prove to be a lucrative - and easily persuaded - audience.
Starr didn’t see any conflict of interest in keeping up a lucrative law practice in which he was paid large sums by my adversaries.
Trial evidence suggests he was trying to get a lucrative consulting contract to solve the problems he was causing.
Many have found that, when natural resources are scarce and consumers are cash-strapped, greenery can be a lucrative business strategy.
The surging Numbers of new lift installations in China will, as their warranties expire, convert into a lucrative stream of maintenance contracts.
Piracy is a lucrative, innovative, global enterprise.
Realising that naming a new species could be lucrative, some biologists initiated a bidding war over the right to name a Central American monkey.
This is a lucrative business, Symantec has discovered.
Uruguay is a good example of a country that gained access to a lucrative market after eradicating foot and mouth disease.
Being in charge of publishing the latest regulations used to be a lucrative niche: a business would pay handsomely for information about a new standard that its products had to comply with.
But it's tough for part-time bloggers with full-time jobs to keep up with all the demands of a lucrative blog.
With its economies of scale and abundant Labour, China is hoping to gain an edge in what promises to be a lucrative new industry.
With its economies of scale and abundant Labour, China is hoping to gain an edge in what promises to be a lucrative new industry.