"Lush Life" is a rare book-a fast-paced whodunnit with literary heft.
Ms. Adams, 50, lives in Harlem with novelist Richard Price, author of "Lush Life" and "Clockers."
亚当斯女士,现年五十岁,与小说家理查德·普赖斯居住在哈莱姆。 后者是《奢华生活》(09年8月时据说奥巴马正在看这部小说)和《黑街追缉令》(已被拍成电影)的作者。
With Lush Life, I wanted a very strong narrative without necessarily a very strong narrator; it helps that the songs match.
Obama had more inner city atmospherics at his finger tips with Richard Price's "Lush Life," a fictional look at a shooting on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
By late morning they were out again in the lush, lethal fields of Zhari, a district due west of Kandahar city in southern Afghanistan where hidden bombs and firefights are a part of daily life.
In the desert all around are the lush golf courses and artificial pools squandering a finite, life-giving commodity, offering a kind of gleeful profligacy to those willing to pay.
On the one hand Brazil represents an extraordinary lush landscape, while Brazilian life style absorbs and reflects this voluptuousness, always cheerful and full of color.
Every time looking at the limbs breathing freely under the sky, I cannot help probing into once more the reality of life, which is always hidden by the lush flowers and leaves.
Banyan tree because deep down in the soil, life will be more long more lush green shade, enjoying the same treatment of the seedlings, fruit is not an.
Our mother, and perhaps nearly the vicissitudes of life, but she gives us the warmth is an evergreen tree, lush in our memory.
Last night when I close my eyes I saw two Monarch Butterflies, dancing and playing over a lush green meadow finally free, finally happy to live their own life!
It was in the lush season (the tree bearing little fruits, many of which had fallen. ) The banyan seemed to showcase its vibrant life energy to us.
The resort embraces the natural beauty of the surrounding area with the added charm of the Chi River, lush greenery, traditional rice eldest and the Northeastern way of life.
酒店被自然美景所环绕,湄南河更为这里增添了一份动人的魅力。 这里郁郁葱葱,传统的水稻作物反映出东北部最古老的生活氛围。 许愿树代表孔可言府的府树,寓意提供支持,拒绝衰退。
The book conjures up a strange remote world, lush in vegetation and teeming with wild life.
The book conjures up a strange remote world, lush in vegetation and teeming with wild life.