For all the uproar over "Breaking News," I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of lyrical target.
MA'MOUN EL-SHINNAWY, 80, was the master of the modern Arabic lyrical poetry who also wrote the words to more than 1,000 popular Egyptian songs.
In the past century, Irish painting has changes from a British-influenced lyrical tradition to an art that evokes the ruggedness and roots of an Irish Celtic past.
Long and often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assist in classifying pots, although these sometimes confuse an already large and complicated picture.
His paintings became more lyrical.
The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees.
Poets who wax lyrical about the silvery Moon may be on to something.
There's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony.
Through lyrical expressions and enabling connectivity, the world was changed.
But she emphasizes that, for her, repentance was no mere lyrical exercise.
Now she brings the same raw, lyrical quality to her first book of prose, Just Kids, out this month.
在本月即将推出的她的第一本散文《只是孩子》(Just Kids)中,她表现出了同样未经雕琢而又抒情的品质。
In later life, his songs were like him: benevolent,lyrical, slightly overweight, decent and well-meaning.
Luxun's lyrical poem is a part of his whole literary creation activity, which characterizes unique aesthetic value.
His main regret is not building more things: he waxes lyrical about visiting South Korea and counting the cranes on the skyline.
On the other hand, King’s “I have a dream” speech in 1963 wasn’t historic because he was so lyrical, though he was certainly that.
In Lee's case, his beloved pillow has animage of Fate Testarossa, from the 'magical girl' anime series MahouShoujo Lyrical Nanoha.
I photographed lilies covering lakes and giving shelter to an array of animal life, but I was searching for something more lyrical.
The tracks Serpick heard were considerably rougher than songs on Coldplay’s past albums, and tackled darker lyrical themes, as well.
Its author emerges as a grittier W.G. Sebald, a lyrical German writer with the same forlorn urge to rescue lives and cultures from oblivion.
本书的作者让人想见了仿佛更加坚韧的W. G . Sebald一般的人物,一位擅长抒情的德国作家,带着同样的凄凉欲从湮没中打捞出生活和文化。
In a brochure for an exhibition opening in Stratford in April, titled "Shakespeare Found," the birthplace trust offered a lyrical interpretation.
Now let's contrast that with what happens in the second movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony where we have a lyrical, long, flowing theme. Okay?
"Walls and floors are lyrical and like nature, without any repetition, bringing the landscape environment inside the home," said the designer.
I recently read a beautiful book called "the Listener," the memoirs of Alan Wheelis, the San Francisco psychoanalyst and marvelous lyrical writer.
Quasimodo was eventually named winner, for "his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times".
Quasimodo was eventually named winner, for "his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times".