The addition of protease inhibitors to the cell lysis buffer AIDS in the preservation of target proteins in the cell extract.
The addition of phosphatase inhibitors to the cell lysis buffer AIDS in the preservation of phosphorylated residues at the time of cell disruption.
SEM cells in exponential growth (106 cells/ml) were lysed with or without the addition of phosphatase inhibitor to the lysis buffer (phospho or nonphospho lysate).
指数生长期的SEMcells (106cells/ml)用加或不加磷酸酶抑制剂的裂解液进行裂解。
SEM cells in exponential growth (106 cells/ml) were lysed with or without the addition of phosphatase inhibitor to the lysis buffer (phospho or nonphospho lysate).
指数生长期的SEMcells (106cells/ml)用加或不加磷酸酶抑制剂的裂解液进行裂解。