This thesis lucubrates both on theory and practice about M-Learning.
It gives the principles for M-Learning educational design for the first time.
With the rapid development of information technology, M-learning becomes conspicuous as a new digital learning method with a bright future.
随着信息技术的飞速发展,移动学习(M - learning)作为一种新的数字化学习手段已频频引人瞩目,有着良好的发展前景。
M: I've been learning English for a long time, but I still can't speak English well. I really got disheartened.
"I think there should be learning on the computer," Ms. Kirchner said. "That part is from 2:30 p."m. on.
Children with the severest for m, called "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", exhibit such disruptive behaviour that it impairs their learning and function at home and at school.
Moreover, when Ican learn the text well, I find that I 'm interested in learning English.
Learning to ride a bike is such a memerable thing that I' m only master it but also understand the love of my father.
Moreover, when I can learn the text well, I find that I 'm interested in learning English.
PETE: To speak franky, I only speak one, English. But I also can speak a little French. and at present I "m learning Chinese."
Building Shared vision is one of The five disciplines of learning organization which had been advanced by American famous managerialist Peter m.
In high school I was a math whiz, and so I spent my first year of college at M. I. T., learning that I did not have the burning desire to be an engineer.
School is an organization and Peter M. Senge's learning style organization theory also applies to the school party.
Some children write operation delay time until ten p. m., reduced sleep time, resulting in the very next day class no spirit, reduce the learning efficiency.
Lesgold, Alan M. "The Nature and Methods of Learning by Doing. " mimeo. School of Education, University of Pittsburgh. May 2, 2002.
从作中学的本质和方法”,学校教育,匹兹堡大学2002五月2 日。
The experiments show that IBN-M algorithm can learn comparatively accurate network from the extremely large dataset. IBN-M is an interesting improvement for incremental learning Bayesian Network.
Ellis, R. 2003. Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
鲁子问。 2003。 中小学英语真实任务教学实践论[M]。 北京:外语教学与研究出版社。
Effect of Taurine on learning-memory ability and M-cholinergic receptor in dementia model mice induced by scopolamine;
Effect of Taurine on learning-memory ability and M-cholinergic receptor in dementia model mice induced by scopolamine;