The bottom-up approach is focused on annotating information in pages, using RDF, so that it is machine readable.
Explaining this contextual contract in some XML-based machine readable description outside representations is redundant.
Service metadata comprises both machine readable metadata and other relevant information such as service description and SLAs.
Information made machine readable with the right markup could be passively captured and reused in different contexts to add new value. That's a pretty smart idea.
WSDL documents are designed to be machine readable, and while they are also readable by humans, teams looking to reuse services typically require additional information.
The concept of a machine readable approach should be expanded from the description of service interface, such as WSDL, to all other forms of declarative information or meta-data.
One of the intentions of SGML was to distinguish textual content from its presentation by embedding the textual content in machine-readable tags.
Also note that a completely machine-readable description of a contract for a remote interface is a fallacy.
The template then applies any applicable downstream templates to deal with machine-readable content in the CDA entry.
然后模板会应用任何适用的下游模板来处理CDA 条目中的机器可读内容。
But machine-readable descriptions can sometimes help us reduce the amount of work that we, as programmers, testers and administrators, need to do.
Information about other people is often the most interesting sort of data, and FOAF fulfills the need for decentralized, machine-readable, personal descriptions.
This is one of the old issues with XML, that it is used for both data (machine-readable information) and content (human-legible text).
If we leave aside the uniform interface and the dynamic aspects of the contract, we can describe the rest of the contract in a machine-readable manner.
From a technology viewpoint, the term data typically refers to binary (machine-readable) information such as Numbers or characters.
This is a basic rule of the Semantic Web, but it has always been a fact of metadata usage in machine-readable form.
In order to provide information in machine-readable form, the machine needs to know where to find the information.
Having established that tooling and code generation can play a significant role in SOA implementation, we can now emphasize the importance of using machine-readable interfaces.
First of all, it does not help any one looking for a formal machine-readable description.
In scenarios that make use of content negotiation, the same URL is used for both, but the human-friendly and machine-readable content are still received completely separately.
As such, there is no way to determine which machine-readable data corresponds with which human-oriented visual elements.
The new Californian driving licence carries the same information as its predecessor, but in a more machine-readable form.
This twin emphasis on declarative techniques and machine-readable metadata is what pushes the complexity away from the business application developer into the standards-based middleware.
As a result, the meaning of the data and function and the request for services are made explicitly machine-readable and understandable.
You may consider using WADL, or even WSDL 2.0 to provide a machine-readable equivalent.
你可能会考虑使用WADL,或者甚至是WSDL 2.0来提供一个机器可读的等价物。
/feed/atom contains a machine-readable version of the same content represented in the application/atom+xml format.
Services have standard, formally defined, machine-readable interfaces.
robots.txt file translates those into machine-readable commands.
传统极客的做法, 是将服务器Last.fm中的文件robots.txt转换成机器可读的命令。
In most cases, the bird will simply turn yellow to tell you that no privacy policy is in place, but that is changing as sites begin to provide this information in machine-readable form.
In the next article, we'll examine the algorithmic approach, in which third parties use structural and heuristic techniques to derive machine-readable semantics from HTML Web pages targeted at people.
In the next article, we'll examine the algorithmic approach, in which third parties use structural and heuristic techniques to derive machine-readable semantics from HTML Web pages targeted at people.