Crepe DE chine fabric has the appearance and feel of silk, but is machine washable!
All products are manufactured in natural fibres without bright dyes and are machine washable.
The collar stretches to fit just about every bottle neck out there, and it's machine washable to boot.
Ladies and children fabrics are antistatic and machine washable because of their high proportion of wool.
Comfortable and easy to use, the strap has a handle with an adjustable buckle at each end. machine washable.
It expands to fit a variety of containers, and is machine washable so there's no need to worry about spills.
This startup provides machine washable clothes which is embedded with sensors to capture a person's complete workout motion.
For food lovers, in addition to anti-beat feature, the surface hardness and anti-machine washable feature also are the vital characteristics of glass.
After finished with silicone resin, the anti felt shrinkage and warp and wept shrinkage of 100% wool worsted fabric could be kept in "machine washable" standards with other feature index excellent.
Men can invest in a couple of sport coats and use them again and again with different shirts and slacks, preferably all machine — or hand — washable, Ms. Pinsker Gladstone said.
Men can invest in a couple of sport coats and use them again and again with different shirts and slacks, preferably all machine — or hand — washable, Ms. Pinsker Gladstone said.