Charlie, naturally, has to prove his machismo by going on the scariest rides twice.
These were usually highlighted during fight scenes as added promotions to his machismo image and daredevilry.
There's a degree of machismo about it, you're saying look how hard I've worked.
The job now is to explain to Russia that this may not have been such a victory for machismo, after all.
I blamed the absence of machismo in my upbringing for my reluctance to indulge in the oldest profession.
He asks how you become a mass murderer and finds unthinking machismo and delirium from years of abuse, but also strategic considerations.
The machismo of demonstrating that you can work 22 hours a day is all too prevalent. And it leads to bad decisions by exhausted men and women.
Amid the machismo of wartime, mothers on both sides struggle to keep their families and them selves intact in the face of the grief and hatred.
He became one of the biggest box office draws in the world from the 1970s to the 1990s, as well as an icon of machismo and Hollywood action heroism.
"Dead or alive," "bring it on," "either you're with us or you're against us" : the tenor of official rhetoric in the ensuing years embodied a kind of desperate machismo.
Many suffer through their exhaustion proudly, leading to a cultural phenomenon called "sleep machismo," as a recent column in USA Today pointed out: the valuing of sleeplessness over sleep.
Many suffer through their exhaustion proudly, leading to a cultural phenomenon called "sleep machismo," as a recent column in USA Today pointed out: the valuing of sleeplessness over sleep.