In addition, the restaurant also provides some local characteristic foods such as Poached Hainan Chicken Rice, Pan Fry Mackerel Fish Fillet and so on. Then you will have some more choice.
It is not only tuna but sardine, mackerel and other fish that are in decline.
Almiro's boat had sailed out to the middle of the bay to fish for mackerel.
Some excellent food choices include fish (especially anchovies, mackerel and wild salmon) and dark leafy green vegetables.
Some fish, such as smaller species of mackerel, have an olfactory system that requires them to swim in order to get water moving through their nares.
The sharks congregated in two areas, with one group feeding on the fish eggs of spawning little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus), a member of the mackerel family;
The only naturally rich dietary sources are oily fish from the sea like salmon and mackerel, egg yolks, liver and fish liver oil.
They fish by it, because the silver-flicking mackerel come there in dense shoals, feeding on the funeral weeds that hang among the girders.
Due to their high methyl mercury content, limit white (albacore) tuna to 6 ounces per week and do not eat the following four types of fish: tilefish, shark, swordfish, and king mackerel.
Since mackerel was a common and cheap fish in the United States, it was often eaten for dinner on Friday.
Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are the best sources of omega-3 for the diet.
富含脂肪的鱼类,如鲑鱼、鲭鱼、青鱼和沙丁鱼都能够提供丰富的欧米伽- 3。
Fish glacial delicacy basically is hairtail, breed yellow croaker, pomfret, flatfish, mullet, Spanish mackerel to wait.
The main varieties of sea fish landed are herring, cod, whiting, mackerel, plaice, ray, skate and haddock.
Fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are good sources of vitamin d, and it is also available as a dietary supplement.
The Natural Fish Oil Concentrate used in this softgel is primarily derived from sardines, anchovies and mackerel.
Since mackerel was a common and cheap fish in the United States, it was often eaten for dinner on Friday.
It even features the Thames-side lampposts which are made from Onions wrapped in vanilla pods for the lamps, asparagus for the posts and mackerel for the ornate fish plinths.
Some excellent food choices include fish (especially anchovies, mackerel and wild salmon) and dark leafy green vegetables.
Two weekly servings of fish (preferably oily varieties like salmon and Atlantic mackerel) can cut the risk of heart attack by up to 36 percent.
Experts suggest that eating fish 2 to 3 times a week is the best, especially fish that are rich in DHA including, salmon, tuna sardines, mackerel and so on.
专家建议每周最好能吃2 ~3次鱼,尤其要多吃富含DHA的鱼,包括:鲑鱼、鲔鱼、沙丁鱼、鲭鱼等。
Choose oily fish such as salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, and mackerel.
The researchers considered fatty fish to include salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel;
They should avoid big predatory fish such as shark swordfish tilefish or king mackerel which have higher mercury levels.
Large, predatory fish - such as tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel - tend to have higher levels of methyl mercury than do smaller fish because they're higher in the aquatic food chain.
After rapidly warming, a sea once swimming with fatty forage fish like herring and capelin eventually became dominated by pollock, Atka mackerel and flatfish.
And if you're not mackerel or herring yourself you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea.
And if you're not mackerel or herring yourself you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea.