You and God are creating all the time--you on the micro level, God on the macro.
The macro level is build and application wide and the micro level happens at the domain layer, where domain classes publish the events whenever they interact with the database.
The trick to test coverage measurement is to use the coverage report to expose code that hasn't been tested, on a micro level and on a macro level.
A third example is the emphasis placed on "building a learning community," which is also elevated to the macro-level as opposed to being buried in the micro - detail, as in the NZCS and IBSTPI models.
According to level of study, efficient market can be divided into micro efficient market, regional efficiency market and macro efficient market.
Financial measures using ABC and RCA accounting will most likely be useful only for overall company health (macro level) and should not be used to track process improvement (micro level).
Good standard achieved in mathematics and statistics, micro - and macro economics and ideally some econometrics at undergraduate level.
Language services have a dual meaning at the micro-level and the macro-level.
This framework depicts cultural evolution as a process of dual inheritance from both a micro-evolutionary level(population space) and a macro-evolutionary level(belief space).
The analysis and discussion on these problems will lead the study of credit risk control theory from its macro-level to its micro and deep levels.
Causes and mechanisms of ageing could be clearly understood only through macro and micro research at the integral, organ, tissue, and cell level.
The one on the top is macro knowledge of philosopy, then, is the middle-level knowledge of psychology, on the lowest, is micro knowledge of physiology and instinct.
Level shifts, unit shifts, structure shifts, class shifts and system shifts are supposed to be present at micro level, and at macro level semantic shifts and pragmatic shifts can be identified.
On this basis, according to China's employment macro level and micro level, this part analyses the employment of the outstanding issues.
In fact, the micro - and macro-prudential dimensions of financial regulatory and supervisory framework are co-existing at both domestic and international level.
This paper considers that industry safety is a systematic process, it should be classified into three levels, namely macro-level, meso-level and micro-level.
How trust develops from micro level to macro level, the mechanism of trust transformation and evolution in different levels need to be studied.
This article is from the two micro-and macro-level advertising language interpretation, each accompanied by a detailed example to support advertising' copy.
The network structure impacts on knowledge flows from node dimensions in the micro-level and overall dimensions in the macro-level.
Abstract: Statutory profit analysis plays an important role in regulatory policy at macro level as well as business management and performance evaluation at micro level.
On this question, extant researches often focus on macro and middle perspectives such as institution system and industry, rarely on micro firm-level perspective.
Finally, the paper proposes the relevant countermeasures to upgrading China's country image both in a macro and micro level.
There are many reasons, including the macro level and personal micro-level.
Index evaluating green logistics development based on regional logistics category covers micro-level and macro-lever of logistics industry, which is matching with three levels of circulation economy.
The general frame of the arrangement of knowledge factors in the textbook is constructed on the macro level and the arrangement of the knowledge factors in each chapter is analyzed on the micro level.
Amazingly, at a considerable level, the scenery of "Macro-Far" and "Micro-Far" is surprisingly similar!
The root of vulnerable poverty exists everywhere and every level, from home to abroad, from macro- to micro-levels.
内容提要 无论是从国际到国内、还是从宏观到微观,无不存在着脆弱性贫困的根源。
Meanwhile, the micro-level strategies refines the macro-strategy, making them become more flexible and resilient, and more operable in practice.
Finally, aiming at the main conclusions, the paper puts forward some policy recommendations respectively from the macro and micro level.
Finally, aiming at the main conclusions, the paper puts forward some policy recommendations respectively from the macro and micro level.