You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away.
One family made a beeline for Mark Louis Rosenberg, Tablet 7 of the north pool, or N-7 for short.
I was used to looking at giant snakes in zoos (I always made a beeline for the reptile house), but pythons did not seem so scary to me because they rarely moved.
Those extra calories apparently made a beeline for the fetus, because the boy babies were heavier and their mothers did not pack on any more pounds than those carrying girls.
I thanked them and made a beeline for the sheets, where my struggle to sleep off my monstrous imperfection resulted in eight hours of nocturnal anxiety I wouldn't wish on Macbeth.
I thanked them and made a beeline for the sheets, where my struggle to sleep off my monstrous imperfection resulted in eight hours of nocturnal anxiety I wouldn't wish on Macbeth.