Thank you for watching the videos I made by myself, and sharing the moments of my life.
I liked learning the popular and national music, I used to sing the song that I made by myself.
Sometimes, I feel like finding a place to cry loudly, for I live in a sad world which made by myself.
What makes me most proud of is that I have a cloth shopping bag made by myself for my regular shopping.
Boy Toy is more of an ART piece, hand made by myself from the casting to the make up to the finishing details.
The moon cake I made by myself is tasty, When its Mid Autumn Festival I will invite everyone again to eat mooncake.
In the third part, following by an example which is designed and made by myself, I sum up the experience of my teaching practice.
That being said, I shall relate the story of my friend on the CC run, and the subsequent discovery made by myself and some intrepid companions one day…
Under such condition, we will introduce a versatile real time delay processor for digital audio signal (RTDP) and its application which has been made by myself in this paper.
He said because my previous tour in Beijing was made by myself or with friends but without a local Beijinger as my guide, and what I saw couldn't represent the real Beijing as well.
In fact, nobody made me do it, so I had to make a choice by myself.
I could try to take decisions by myself, but I had failed twice. I was still not sure if I had made the right decision.
At school I would be bullied by the boys who made me feel horrible about myself.
I rose; I dressed myself with care: obliged to be plain-for I had no article of attire that was not made with extreme simplicity-i was still by nature solicitous to be neat.
At the end, as we were putting on our coats, I surprised myself by asking the dancer who had made the painting.
My forty-second birthday had made a lonely visit the week before, and I was once again by myself in the flat.
In the afternoon, we had a Handicraft class; we made many masks for ourselves. I liked the class, because I knew I could do a lot of things by myself.
Not all of that. My father promised to give me money, but I'd like using the money myself made by.
Although I just learn singing by myself, I have made make a little achievement on it.
I thought about it alot. I made this decision by myself in my little corner, with the support of my family, off course.
Yesterday, I made cards by myself as the gifts to teachers.
When I was 23 years old, I made a decision that I want to go to UK for further education, for proving one thing, I want to know how can I do by myself.
Myself am the eternal Lord, the one having made everything, having stretched out the heavens by Myself.
The picture on the top left corner is the original design of the clock from a website. I made one by myself and saved so much money!
The picture on the top left corner is the original design of the clock from a website. I made one by myself and saved so much money!