Lecithin, Made in USA, 300 softgels.
Sometimes it's just the box that says Made in USA and the inside tag says Made in China.
The Made in USA label pops up regularly among the hangers, along with labels from Singapore, Turkey, and Mexico.
Illustrating its ambitions, a Solarworld advertisement features the Statue of Liberty holding a solar panel with the words "Made in USA."
We also invited experts from USA for technical director. We assure that we can provide logs with the same quality as made in USA and Europe.
If we stop our greed then it is possible to have more factories in America and stuff with label "Made in USA". Tell that to big corporations…
It not only gets a "Made in USA" label, but Sleek Audio's redesign of the SA7 earphone won a 2011 Best of Innovation award from the 2011 Consumer Electronics Association.
In 1972, the then USA President Richard Nixon made it a national holiday.
It was in 1966 that the then USA President Lyndon Johnson officially made the third Sunday of June Father's Day.
But those that actually build tangible goods should no longer assume that "Made in the USA" is an unaffordable luxury.
The Obama campaign is selling T-shirts on its website that show Obama's face on the front along with the words "Made in the USA."
奥巴马竞选网站上开始出售印有奥巴马出生证明的T恤。 T恤正面印有奥巴马头像,头像下面还写着“美国制造”的字样。
A lot of progress has been made in the USA by showing people that these medications do not kill patients and, when properly used near the end of life, they do not cause addiction.
In a Gallup Poll two weeks ago, a record high 38% said the USA "made a mistake" in sending military forces to Afghanistan; 58% said it was not a mistake.
The digital photograph was made with a camera mounted on a telescope tracking the stars through dark skies above a camp ground in Virginia, USA.
Apple flew in a Vice President directly from the USA. Apple going back and forth made me angry, but I was even more mad at the media saying that I'm doing this as a PR trick!
The towels that you find in auto parts stores, or the auto sections of the department stores are usually not made in the USA, and even though they may say they are 100% cotton, they are not.
The towels that you find in auto parts stores, or the auto sections of the department stores are usually not made in the USA, and even though they may say they are 100% cotton, they are not.