E-business Endorsements can magnetize guests to your website and cheer them to buy.
A magnet and magnetic mud are inserted into contact face of conventional artware to magnetize the contact faces.
The Moon glides into gracious Libra and your 5th House of Romance on Thursday evening and will magnetize your chart for two days.
Unload before stop the machine, or there will be left magnet. Next time when use, magnetize with accumulator cell or dry cell battery.
We are still playing with the composition, and if we can get it to magnetize uniformly, we may be able to further improve the efficiency.
The utility model comprises a generator which is used to magnetize the steam ion, a steam transferring pipe, a spraying head, and a support frame.
With the magnetic field turned on, the iron layers both magnetize, say, in the spin-up direction, so all of the spin-down electrons move through the entire sample without scattering.
The utility model relates to a magnetizing device for water bottles, which can magnetize water in a water bottle. The utility model comprises a magnetic rod, a supporting claw, and a base.
When Neptune enters Pisces in June, you are simply in love with love. This could magnetize a soul mate or a lead to a delusional disaster. It all depends on how grounded and centered you are.
When Neptune enters Pisces in June, you are simply in love with love. This could magnetize a soul mate or a lead to a delusional disaster. It all depends on how grounded and centered you are.