The mail transfer agent receives the messages from another mail transfer agent, a mail user agent, or a mail submission agent.
The mail transfer agent is also known as the mail server and is simply software that sends E-mail from one computer to another.
All electronic mail is transferred using a mail transfer agent (MTA), and Sendmail is the most popular MTA, so this warning affected many organizations worldwide.
所有的电子邮件都通过邮件传输代理(mail transfer agent,MTA)来传输,Sendmail则是最流行的MTA,所以这个警告影响了世界范围内的很多组织。
For example, if you look at the log produced by the postfix mail transfer agent (MTA), you can see that the information for a single message is spread over a number of lines (see Listing 1).
例如,如果您查看由postfixmail transfer agent (MTA)产生的日志,那么您可以看到,每一条消息的信息分布在多行内容中(请参见清单1)。
For example, if you look at the log produced by the postfix mail transfer agent (MTA), you can see that the information for a single message is spread over a number of lines (see Listing 1).
例如,如果您查看由postfixmail transfer agent (MTA)产生的日志,那么您可以看到,每一条消息的信息分布在多行内容中(请参见清单1)。