The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course.
They can provide a useful overview—an aerial map, as it were, to familiarize you with the main landscape features to be encountered during a course.
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course.
The key is to be true to reality, which is also one of the main themes in the course.
What will they share for the main course?
In other words, behaviour that was once considered mere foreplay, a kind of precursor or accessory to the main event - the starter, if you like - is increasingly becoming the main course.
There’s still quite a bit of publishing going on, but that seems almost an afterthought, the appetizer before the main course.
当然现在仍有一些网络出版物,但这些似乎都是没有经过深思熟虑的事后想法罢了。 (它不过是上主菜之前的开胃菜,美味还在后头呢。)
A special branch, referred to as head, represents the main course of work in the repository (a head is often referred to as the trunk).
Because some guests have special dietary requirements, Oliver said he will be offering vegetarian options for both a starter and the main course.
This is normally done after you have ordered your meal; you eat the salad while the main course is being cooked.
On this blog, the side order is often as rich and filling as the main course (sometimes more so).
After polishing off her enormous main course, she still had room for dessert and ate a "salad" of marshmallow, cream cheese, whipped cream and cookies.
The waiter has just finished taking our drink order of two rum-and-Cokes here in La Paz, Bolivia, and as everybody in this bar knows, he is now offering the main course.
Have a big salad before the main course. Again, avoid too much dressing, and go for the lighter dressings.
According to Sankar Chatterjee of Texas Tech University, the main course was served later.
In Poland and otherparts of eastern Europe and Scandinavia, fish often provides thetraditional main course, but richer meat such as lamb is increasinglyserved.
Main Course mainly is meat, such as steak, such as black pepper steak, Fried chicken drum, lamb chops, veal, fish steaks, and assorted seafood.
When it comes to learning foreign languages, we can start with the dessert and then use its sweetness to inspire us to back up and devour the main course.
During the period of school study the main course has engineering economics, economic mathematics, engineering cost.
In addition, this is a bad season for turkeys, which feature as the main course in Thanksgiving feasts; Thanksgiving Day was November 28 this year.
No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you should recommend something for the main course?
没有,我们仍然在看菜单。你可以给我们推荐下主菜吗? ?。
No, we are still looking at the menu. Maybe you should recommend something for the main course?
The babylonians were the first of these two early civilizations to contribute to the main course of mathematics .
Quite the opposite–a handful of nuts makes a great snack or substitute for meat in a main course, and not only because of the benefits of the unsaturated fat.
Therefore, the school cafeteria should serve larger fruit and vegetable portions along with smaller main course and dessert portions.
Therefore, the school cafeteria should serve larger fruit and vegetable portions along with smaller main course and dessert portions.