You can build the help as one monolithic file, like a book, and have only one main topic that points to that file.
The main calendar menu is a simple VXML file that provides the main options as a starting point for the rest of the application.
It is only when you open a valid file that the window resizes to encompass the main region declared in the file.
When building your main application CSS file, it's generally good practice to place your default component style declarations first.
To maintain consistency, it's best to keep the name of the ZIP file the same as the plugin directory and the main plug-in file.
You, therefore, need to make sure that the manifest of the client application JAR file has a main class: entry.
Create an HTML file that will be displayed as the main help page for you pattern.
Select the File menu in the workbench's main toolbar.
When it discovers a change, CruiseControl then runs what's known as a delegating build, which calls the project's main build file (like build.xml, if Ant is in use).
当发现修改时,CruiseControl运行一个所谓的委派(delegating)构建,它调用项目的主构建文件(在使用Ant时是build . xml)。
The main project.xml file in the AddressBookDeployment project contains the Settings that apply to all projects, such as general project information or dependencies that apply to all projects.
AddressBookDeployment项目中的主要project . xml文件中包含一些适用于所有项目的设置,如通用项目信息和应用于所有项目的依赖性。
The source for all of these classes is in the SRC subdirectory of the main zip file.
Listing 2 is their version of a main XML file that combines all three store files so they appear to be one large file, maintaining details about the products.
Finally, the main web page examines the master file, extracts the data using XQuery, and renders the final display.
The configuration file gives CruiseControl three main pieces of information for each project it is to build.
The value of the $entry variable prepends onto the main story menu file and the subject-specific story menu file.
To change the order of these sections (for example, to move Relationships below Main Description), modify the task.xsl file.
为了改变这些段落的顺序(例如,把Relationships移到MainDescription之下),您需要修改task . xsl文件。
The first file you should download and unzip is, of course, the main chat application file: ajax_chat-
The run function is the function that is called by the main index.php file to execute the module.
主 index.php文件将调用run函数来执行模块。
Having the new executable, you can use the grep utility to search for main in the map file to find its address.
Similarly, choosing File - close in the main window (view entries) closes the application.
The main configuration file is called and can be found at /webapps/AuditExt/WEB-INF/classes. This configuration file contains the following parameters
主要的配置文件名为,可在 /webapps/AuditExt/WEB-INF/classes找到。
Have a look at Listing 4, a WSDL implementation file. Its main features are the following?
To categorize and manage the style, we chose to break the CSS styling into separate files and include them into the main screen media style sheet file.
The main bootstrap file determines which module to execute based on parameters passed as part of the URL.
At the end of the diary list, it returns the user back to the main menu VXML file.
The main script or source file must also have its file properties set to allow execution.
Create an SQC file to execute the main query.
Copying a document involves copying not only the main file but also the files it links to, which can result in manipulation errors.
If a model has been divided into separate files, the files other than the main (.mdl) file are called subunits.
You can change this by adding a link element into your topic in the main toc.xml file (see Listing 3 for an example).
为改变这一状况您可以向主toc . xml文件中的主题添加一个link元素(见清单3的示例)。