As rice is the most important food crop in the world and maize is the main form of animal feed, these decisions could have a big impact.
Agriculture is based on grain production with rice as the main crop and sugarcane, cole, peanut and tobacco as the main economic crops.
The country's official press is peddling a fantasy in which relief is reaching all the victims and farmers in the delta-the country's main rice-growing region-are already planting their next crop.
Droughts in Arkansas, America's main rice-growing area, have hit the crop: exports will be closer to 3m than 4m tonnes this year.
Prices for rice, the main food crop, have doubled in Bangladesh in the past year.
The main crop in southern China is rice, which could be harvested for two times per year, or three times every two years here.
Rice is not only the main food crop, but also the model plant of monocotyledonous investigation.
Six rice combinations were used to study the source-sink characteristics of ratooning rice and its same-term tasselling main crop.
The more photosynthates distributed in stems and sheathes at maturity of main crop, especially in internodes below the 2nd from the top, the higher yield of palingenesis rice would get.
These results indicate that the effect of stubble height of the main crop on characteristics of source, sink and flow of ratooning rice were closely related to ratooning types of rice varieties.
These results indicate that the effect of stubble height of the main crop on characteristics of source, sink and flow of ratooning rice were closely related to ratooning types of rice varieties.