Rice is one of main food crops in China, its planting area accounts for 30% in all food crops and its yield accounts for 40% in total food yield.
S. midwest. The gene crops are designed to resist herbicides and that's allowed farmers to wipe out milkweed, which is the main food source for Monarches.
Starch is the main storage carbohydrate in higher plants, and also the most important ingredient in food crops.
The soybean is one of the main crops in China, being the important food, animal feed and the industry raw materials.
Rice is one of the most important crops and the main food for half the people of the world.
One of the main crops of the Chaco people was grain maize, which could be stored for long periods of time without spoiling and could serve as long-lasting supply of food.
One of the main crops of the Chaco people was grain maize, which could be stored for long periods of time without spoiling and could serve as long-lasting supply of food.