Just as for the main browser menu bar, the applet menu bar is responsive to the mouse, tab-key-style navigation, and hot-key combinations.
The outline is within a collapsible left panel, and the main area includes a lighter menu widget for the action bar as well as a lighter virtual list widget.
There's also an enlarged back button, (a la Firefox) and a noticeable lack of menu items in the main bar.
In the upper side of the main screen there is a Menu Bar, which provides quick access to all the main functions of the program, while on the right side you are able to see all the connected devices.
Computer Tools-Software's interface generally contains title bar, menu bar, shortcut button bar, main operation bar, right button shortcut menu bar and status bar.
Each child frame of the main frame can have a different menu bar associated to it.
Each child frame of the main frame can have a different menu bar associated to it.
As the special nature of this design, this part only on the six basic elements: the title bar, menu bar, toolbar, maximize, minimize, restore and close the window, the main window, the status bar.
The MFC classes provide enough functionalities for changing the main frame menu bar accordingly to the current active child frame.
When using "pull-right" for the main menu list item, the dropdown starts from extreme right of the navigation bar.
The main frame will select the toolbar to show each time it selects the menu bar.
The main program window consists of List Window, Status Bar at the bottom, Side Bar at the left, List of available folders, Tool Bar and Main Menu on the top.
The main program window consists of List Window, Status Bar at the bottom, Side Bar at the left, List of available folders, Tool Bar and Main Menu on the top.