Le went missing last Tuesday morning, having left her wallet, keys and purse in her office in a medical school building about a mile from Yale's main campus.
Building around the atrium add up to Annular flow as the main office functions on the three steps back and created multiple visual experience and office space.
For weeks, opposition groups have occupied the main government office building, demanding the ouster of Mr. Somchai and new elections.
The No. 9 Building is located in the central part of the Park, along the main road in the south, conceived as a complex with office, conference, dining and entertainment functions.
Around the Pearl River Tunnel in Fangcun to business office, the main function of cultural entertainment, planning a landmark Diamond Building, International Conference Center;
Our company located at Shouguang hou Town Lu Li steel and iron Limited company great Xingda office, main business industry steel products, building steel.
The main body besides the Renmin South Road shall be developed into international standard Grade A office building, and CBD headquarters base;
The site is relatively flat topography, located at the junction of two main roads with convenient traffic system, where is the ideal site for office building land use.
SN 65 main pressure fire hose points with 25m hoses shall be installed inside warehouse buildings, office building, as well fire extinguishers are provided in the box under each fire hose.
仓库及办公楼内必须设置SN65 系列室内消火栓,配带25米长水龙带,在每个消火栓内水龙带卷盘下内置灭火器。
SN 65 main pressure fire hose points with 25m hoses shall be installed inside warehouse buildings, office building, as well fire extinguishers are provided in the box under each fire hose.
仓库及办公楼内必须设置SN65 系列室内消火栓,配带25米长水龙带,在每个消火栓内水龙带卷盘下内置灭火器。