The board ultimately picked Bruce Benson, a 69-year-old Colorado businessman and political activist who is likely to do well in the main task of modern university presidents: fund raising.
The main task is to extract the words from the texts in the key generator.
That is why the main task was to create a spiral first and then add straws.
Main task of that system is to track visitors and show how much they must pay.
It is obvious that modeling the services is a main task that such a method must support.
The other main task of WHO is to make sure the world is secure if a pandemic has occurred.
The main task of physical engineer is to design machines and to remodel and service them.
For companies the main task is simply to end up with more talented people than their competitors.
His main task is to determine how we can best upgrade the services we offer our major clients.
His sympathies expressed, he returned to his main task: explaining what Britain is doing in Afghanistan.
And some elderly look after their grandchildren, which is the main task for elderly in the country.
His main task: creating businesses that would employ shelter residents and help them develop job skills.
In this application, sound greatly enhances the user experience, but is not essential to the main task.
The main task of the human task Manager is to manage human tasks described in task Execution Language (TEL).
The main task we are facing is how to ensure that the ideas of those thinking men get powerful execution.
This is party history worker answer in new historical period the main task that exert oneself ponders over.
Our main task now is to assimilate knowledge thus we can make a place for ourselves in the society in future.
The main task of XMLizing is to parse the source and construct a DOM tree according to the source file definition.
"Our goal is to get more gold MEDALS than at Doha and the team events are the main task," head coach Li Yongbo said.
A substation is on the territory of the GRES-1. Its main task is to distribute the electric power produced by the station.
在GRES - 1内建有一个变电站,它的主要任务是配送发电厂的电能。
Despite the short time, the major problems were so obvious that we clearly understood our main task and how to go about it.
Again big some, learning has become our main task, in the process of hard study, parents are our berthing ships shore.
To make the legislature's main task-passing a budget-easier, voters also lowered the required margin to a simple majority.
The main task is translating the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL(Register Transfer Level).
Main Task Complete a questionnaire about your school. Then write about your ideal school for the Schools Around the World Club.
But when it comes to the prospect of making presentations-the main task that's kept him from taking a promotion - "I just can't do it."
Its main task consists of using the URL information to find a match between the virtual directory of the URL and a pooled HttpApplication object.
Its main task consists of using the URL information to find a match between the virtual directory of the URL and a pooled HttpApplication object.