Predicate for the main verb, the more tense voice changes.
Hence, SELECT is the main verb in YQL statements. The syntax is also very similar to SQL.
When a sentence has an auxiliary verb and a main verb, it is usual to put adverbs between them.
When a sentence has an auxiliary verb and a main verb, it is usual to put adverbs between them. For example.
We have chosen a few uncommon materials, with "iron board" as subject, "soft curtains" as attributive, and "a real tree" as the main verb.
A verb, such as have, can, or will, that accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in mood, voice, aspect, and tense.
Depending on the sense, the verb need behaves sometimes like an auxiliary verb (such as can or may) and sometimes like a main verb (such as want or try).
A finite verb, informally called the main verb of a sentence, expresses existence, action or occurrence which is limited by person, number, tense and mood.
From the view of the semantic plane, the compositions ahead of prepositions Ba are obtained from the main verb cores, it can play any semantic role of the main verb cores.
So this means that you look at the main verb and then translate the infinitive accordingly. Please refer to your text for various examples of these time sequence translations.
By definition, every sentence must have a main clause. Every clause has a subject and a predicate, which includes its verb.
Fast reading is the know-how to focus on the main terms - in most cases is a verb and noun, the word is not important as long as those which have been in the vicinity.
The main stress is on second part of the two - word or three - word verb.
Focus on nouns and main propositions in each sentence. Look for the noun-verb combinations, and focus your learning on these.
By researching, it is known that for the junior students, the main mistakes in their English writing are local mistakes, especially verb mistakes.
Its main ingredient is a verb, as well as the structure of the verb.
Gerund has the characteristics of both verb and noun, and it has its own logical subject, which may be the same as the main sentence's subject or may not.
The main section of each entry contains a clear definition of the meaning of each phrasal verb.
The main section of each entry contains a clear definition of the meaning of each phrasal verb.