Although "Anime Reality Show" has been ignored by Japanese media, its overseas demand will make it a worthy part of the domestic mainstream culture.
According to the 1994 census, many counterculture ideas have entered mainstream culture.
Social culture can be divided into two kinds of culture, mainstream culture and subculture.
SNS has gradually entered the mainstream culture and even changed people's ways of behaviour.
It is also around this time that Depp gained notoriety for his hostility towards mainstream culture.
Ever since the Blacks were sold to America, they have been always on the margin of the mainstream culture.
So we are talked about about statuary mainstream culture when, still want to learn a spatiotemporal concept.
But many are blaming misogyny in US mainstream culture for propelling the killer to commit the horrible crimes.
The Chinese modernity outspreads between two paradoxical dimensionalities:tradition and world mainstream culture.
In AMERICA a phenomenon might claim to have entered mainstream culture only after it has been satirised on "The Simpsons".
在美国,当一种现象出现在“the Simpsons”的讽刺剧中,这就证明它已经进入了主流社会。
In the university campus culture, we can not ignore the non-mainstream culture and its impact on the students' growth.
The folk songs of Beiwei Dynasty influenced by the Chinese reflected spiritual look of central Plains mainstream culture.
Some people believe that madness is a synonym for heresy and the punishment for not being accepted by mainstream culture.
Very few people would want to go back to the past when minorities had to give up their differences to fit into the mainstream culture.
But they did mark my daughter's first foray into the mainstream culture, the first time the influences on her extended beyond the family.
The research of the school sports culture emphasizes particularly on the general research and mainstream culture of campus at present.
Subculture, opposite to the mainstream culture advocates a departure from the norms of culture which is recognized by the social community.
Despite the shortage of good females, there are signs of hope that mainstream culture is working to change these ingrained attitudes toward women.
Devine himself has released five albums of electronic music since 1995, and in that time has heard electronic music become the mainstream culture.
He is a reminder, among other things, of the time when classical musicians still occupied a place, along with other celebrities, in mainstream culture.
The internet can be considered as a form of "The Grass-Rooted Culture" because it represents the most common, non-professional, non-mainstream culture.
As a kind of culture which relates to lots of mass communication media, undoubtedly, mass culture is different to mainstream culture and elite culture.
With the background of globalization, the outside mainstream culture is attacking Dong culture, so many original artistic cultures are in danger of dying out.
Culture is divided into the mainstream culture and the subculture, the subculture, particularly the criminal subculture, has a great impact on juvenile delinquency.
Today, the Jews is a minority in the US but it has melted successfully into the mainstream of American society and been regarded as a part of the mainstream culture.
Today, the Jews is a minority in the US but it has melted successfully into the mainstream of American society and been regarded as a part of the mainstream culture.