In Figure 11 you see that this is still true even with the associative table in place to maintain the association.
In the same way beavers construct DAMS, red grouper excavate and maintain distinct holes whose rocky surfaces provide a place for coral, sponges and other Marine life to congregate.
Did we just continue to place one bet, in the form of Victoria, or do we place a second bet out of house so that we maintain the momentum we are achieving here with the integrated approach.
But the rods still produce heat, even when control rods are in place, requiring a cooling system to maintain temperatures.
The use of CSS files helps you to maintain consistency in the overall appearance of all of your UIs and allows you to make global style changes in one place.
That way everything is in one place (the field declaration), and I get my useful description out of toString() without needing to maintain the code.
这样,所有的东西都在一个地方(字段声明中),而且获得了 toString() 的有用的描述而无需维护代码。
The phenomenon of moving from one place to another (without mentioning specific names of places to maintain ethical norms) was expressed, for example, in terms such as
Rather than build and maintain your own API, you can build your Web site to take full advantage of the Semantic Web infrastructure which is already in place.
Using the directory stack is a good scripting technique to maintain your place in the file system.
You can do a world class job of building brands and do everything right but when you rapidly expand your global footprint it is hard to maintain what made the brand great in the first place.
And the weirdest bit is, they don't seem to mind sabotaging the original idea that got them interested in the first place, in order to maintain their newfound social status.
It will place both arms on a table to maintain its balance when trying to sit down in a chair, or use one arm for support when taking a big swinging kick at a ball.
The media are buying and selling each other in unprecedented Numbers and forming media groups to position themselves in the market place to maintain and increase their profits.
The same email that allows you to maintain a long-distance business relationship also creates demand for more travel as people try to establish those relationships in the first place.
Then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause.
If we're going to maintain a place in world markets, we have to do it primarily on two fronts: one on quality, and the other on reliability.
For assembly, the parts are placed in jigs which travel along the assemble line and which maintain alignment while welding takes place.
SAS Management Console allows you to create, manage and maintain authorization information for your users and groups in one place.
We take the collection, storage and security of personal data very seriously, and we ensure that strict monitoring procedures are in place to maintain customer confidence in this area.
That is why in Plum Village we try our best to maintain a place where you can only see positive sights and positive sounds.
There is a procedure in place to properly maintain all tooling and the update of related engineering drawings.
A crew of around 40 sail and maintain the ship, whilst another crew of up to 35 are in place to carry out specialised missions, such as air defence, underwater warfare and surface attacks.
How to wash and maintain: dip it in clean water, smear detergent or shampoo and scrub it, wash and dry it by hand and by wind, place it in the tube.
Maintain a warehousing area in a good cleaning, good housekeeping and safe working place.
However, I shall have no occasion to work, for the little sum of money buried by you, and which I found in the place you mentioned, will be sufficient to maintain me.
Place blank PO with suppliers and align for them to maintain the spares in their warehouse instead.
Place blank PO with suppliers and align for them to maintain the spares in their warehouse instead.