And it is closely tied to the need to maintain reserves and the desire to manage certain aspects of the domestic economy.
Ukraine says it had been forced to use reserves to maintain the pressure needed to move gas to European consumers before the valves were closed.
Mr. Putin says the reserves will allow Russia to maintain the salaries of civil servants, pension payments, and social benefits.
In theory, groups of countries could pool reserves, so that a smaller amount would suffice than if countries each maintain their own buffers.
The new law would have provided the Fed with an additional tool for combating the latest stage of the crisis: from October 1st it would have paid interest on reserves that Banks maintain at the Fed.
Self-winding watches usually have a power reserve of at least 40 hours and therefore have sufficient energy reserves to maintain a stable rate when the watch is not being worn (e. g. overnight).
To be sure, BHP will likely agree to keep a certain number of jobs, and it has already signaled its willingness to maintain a corporate presence in Saskatchewan, which holds huge reserves of potash.
Tactically, reserves are kept to allow maximum opportunity to regain the initiative, maintain the capability for freedom of action, and have the ability to capitalize on unexpected situations.
The objective of wildlife management is to maintain the wildlife population appropriate in nature reserves.
Finally, China will be able to increase consumption, because it no longer needs to suppress domestic demand in order to maintain high levels of reserves.
Chinese companies also maintain "commercial reserves," which totaled 168m barrels of crude at the end of 2010.
Chinese companies also maintain "commercial reserves," which totaled 168m barrels of crude at the end of 2010.