But HIV constantly mutates very difficult to find, "maintaining the status quo" of the antibody.
Big producers like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Nigeria have been either mute or in favor of maintaining the status quo.
Humans rely on advanced temperature regulation system to maintaining the status quo nature of the choices to survive.
Spatial variation is varied, but we always adhere to maintaining the status quo, to the best service the best quality to thousands of households.
These assets limit the program's flexibility once under way, since market actors then have an interest in maintaining the status quo to preserve the value of the assets.
Previously, the granularity of information provided in services has often been decided by factors such as performance and maintaining the status quo of the old legacy interface.
Beyond the powerful inertia of maintaining the status quo, there is also fear of retribution from current or future employers and of ruining relationships with current co-workers, she says.
But maintaining that marital status quo is essential: the same study found that divorce in mid-life will increase the risk three-fold.
But maintaining that marital status quo is essential: the same study found that divorce in mid-life will increase the risk three-fold.