When a major planet - like Uranus - turns on its power, you can feel the ground move.
In each of the following days, Mercury will be contacting a major planet, so you may want to write down these days on your calendar as advantageous to you.
Often when a major planet goes direct, like Uranus, you can see clues to strong, positive change in the air in the days closely circling the turnaround date.
Sometimes things do work out when a major planet retrogrades, especially if the operation had been scheduled and rescheduled a few times before the day of the procedure.
Aries, the sign Uranus will settle into, is a fire sign like yours, dear Leo, so for the first time in a long time, you can count on staunch support from a major planet.
In addition to providing major scientific discoveries, such a mission might well give NASA the boost it needs to send human explorers to the Red Planet.
But when a generation defiantly rejected God's instructions to scatter over the planet, God miraculously intervened and initiated the major language groupings of the human race.
Scientists warned that the increase in big-eaters means more food production - a major cause of CO2 gas emissions warming the planet.
The earth's current climate is something of an anomaly; in the past 700,000 years, there have been at least seven major episodes of glaciers spreading over much of the planet.
The earth's current climate is something of an anomaly; in the past 700, 000 years, there have been at least seven major episodes of glaciers spreading over much of the planet.
Titan was a major focus of the mission all along, since it's bigger than the planet Mercury and the only moon massive enough to have a significant atmosphere.
Yet this tiny amount of water has an outsized influence on the planet: It is a potent greenhouse gas and a major driver of weather and climate.
The major influx of Divine Feminine energies will recalibrate power on this Planet, the Solar System, the Galaxy and impact the whole Nebadon Super Universe.
The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.
Felucia was a major setting in the Force Unleashed, the game which populated the planet with native Force-sensitive savages, the Felucians.
The remnants of their achievements can be found throughout the planet especially where the major grids points intersect.
A new kind of tree could cool the planet by removing a major greenhouse gas from the planet's atmosphere.
Also this decade, China became the world's largest economy and thus has a major stake in the environmental destiny of the planet, he said.
There are on your planet many earthquakes, some of them minor and some of them major;
A call from people concerned about the future of humanity and the planet for a major shift to plant-based diets, in order to avoid an impending global climate catastrophe.
Astrologers at all times and in all land account a harbinger that civilization is about to occur of great change, the universe is about to launch a major disaster warning to the planet and humanity.
By the end of the century solar electricity could be the major energy source on your planet.
Gossamer -thin threads linked every major city on the planet. The cities shone like stars.
When the planetary migration occurs under the tidally interaction of a planet and a disk of gas or a planetesimal, the orbital parameters, especially, semi-major axis, of this planet will be altered.
World War Three is just around the corner and the planet is teetering on the brink1 of all-out conflict - according to people in major Western nations, at least.
World War Three is just around the corner and the planet is teetering on the brink 1 of all-out conflict - according to people in major Western nations, at least.
World War Three is just around the corner and the planet is teetering on the brink 1 of all-out conflict - according to people in major Western nations, at least.