The major product of Uarco is automobile radiator.
Element of selenium was major product, concurrently with volatile selenium.
Other major product categories include garbage or sanitation trucks and prefabricated housing.
The major product quality indexes basically reached or were close to that of slurry polymerization.
When Sodium azide burns, it's major product is Nitrogen gas, which makes up around 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.
High level plans that lay out milestones and list all major product features help provide the necessary context to individual stories.
Our major product is mattress. We have more than ten years' experience to product and advanced product line guarantee of high quality.
With the development of science and technology, the high-performance micro-machined gyroscope becomes a major product that the markets demand.
Sichuan has been historically known as the "Province of Abundance". It is one of the major agricultural production bases of China. Grain, including rice and wheat, is the major product.
The product is said to be in the early planning stages, as negotiations with major content providers are reportedly ongoing.
A major goal is to introduce the product to the Veterans Administration system, where it could have significant impact.
Earlier this month it was crowned innovation of the week by Product Launch Analytics, an arm of major business analyst Datamonitor.
Let's say that you have more than one asset registry to track more than one product, and both of these products are participating in a specific major release.
However, if you expect the product that you're testing to have new major releases or minor maintenance releases, you need to reuse as many test assets as possible.
We have been working on a major feature that we hope will enable our product to enter a new market segment.
The major disadvantage is that the end user has almost no choice in the version of the product he's using.
If you view it this way, you need to certify with a product that has major market share.
If you wanted to transform this document into a document that lists all the products, along with a list of customers for each product, you would have a major task on your hands.
Let's have a look at the Product Owner responsibilities in more detail. There are three major areas: Customer needs, project success and collaboration.
Both men worked in several product areas, but entertainment-related technology was a major portion of their product portfolios.
It is our goal to have each new major release ship current with related software versions, assuming that they are announced and shipped within a reasonable timeframe of our product releases.
This will be nothing too major, since this is just my first foray into product creation and design.
She took her idea to the major computer companies in 1980, and asked for a chance to distribute their product in her home country.
They did find some major holes in the hull, but it's not clear if they're what sank the Hunley, or if they're the product of a century and a half of degradation at the bottom of the sea.
He even hinted a major future product area: capitalizing on the commerce currently being conducted by others on Twitter.
According to David Schwartz, Sr. Director, Product &Global Marketing at Obopay, partnerships like these are only the beginning of what's about to become a major trend.
We are involved with all of the major issues of the product, like large site performance, e-commerce, clustering, and Web applications.
The troubleshooting guide on the WebSphere Application Server support site breaks down the product into major topic areas.
The troubleshooting guide on the WebSphere Application Server support site breaks down the product into major topic areas.