As with the shuttle, Orion astronauts will practice ascents in a full-motion simulator that forces them to make quick decisions about whether or not to abort a mission.
You can use the motion capture data as a starting place, tweak the timing and poses to make it more caricatured, then apply it to the chicken and the motion will match the design of the character.
Unfortunately, the motion-compensating circuitry can make filmed content appear like a cheap video-a glitch known in the trade as the "soap-opera effect".
Tall red shadows make the lions on the walls sway with a wavelike motion.
He arrives at the tent and doesn't say a word, or make any motion toward me.
He tells me that there are plans to make "Atlas Shrugged" into a major motion picture — it is the only classic novel of recent decades that was never made into a movie.
Researchers at Swansea University, UK, are trying to make it easier to understand the data from accelerometers on tagged animals, which record motion like a Wii videogame controller.
It was a limit on phone imports that led Research in Motion to hire Brightstar to make BlackBerrys in Argentina (tax incentives then led the firm to Tierra del Fuego).
Four-stroke engines of this type with this same type of intake valve motion but with a supercharger to make up for the loss of power density are known as Miller cycle engines.
Unfortunately, the motion-compensating circuitry can make filmed content look like a cheap video-a glitch known in the trade as the "soap-opera effect".
Cyclone separator is a kind of equipment that USES rotary motion of gas-solid two-phase fluid to make the solid particle separated from the gas flow by centrifugal force.
If you are a motion picture star, you may make two or three films a year.
Movement: A single characteristic style of motion of a horse, several of which make up a dressage performance.
Make the most of Mercury's last day in retrograde motion to take a trip down memory lane.
An arc motion would make people's gaze stick to the curving hand and stay there, while a straight line would make their eyes flick back to the beginning and jump between the two.
If an object is in motion, the property of inertia will make it continue to move in the same direction and in a straight line.
Delegates make a motion for a moderated caucus in order to set a discussion on a specific topic.
In order to make soccer robot act shoot and pass motion well, the article introduces a design of kicking machine of small-size soccer robot.
In this paper a practicable walking mechanism, revolving slide - bar mechanism is introduced, and elementary motion of walking car to make use of the mechanism is analyzed.
In order to make human motion simulation more realistic in Virtual Reality on PC platform, this paper introduces an improved method of modeling human body as a tree with constraint joints.
Then, after texture mapping, a virtual face is brought which can be observed in any direction and can make different expressions by combining different muscular vectors' motion.
To make, design, or produce(a cartoon, for example) so as to create the illusion of motion.
Though the relative motion with the tube core to make the core be a center non-acentric state automatically.
In this paper, based on the theories of stochastic control, we make a study of multivariable stochastic control methods of hydrofoil and emphasize on the analysis of longitudinal motion of it.
To make a robot track a given desired motion trajectory, a new learning control scheme is proposed which is based on the repeatability of robot motion.
To make a robot track a given desired motion trajectory, a new learning control scheme is proposed which is based on the repeatability of robot motion.