He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will.
The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.
Does the idea of affecting the world make you hyperventilate a bit—like you might have to join the Peace Corps or adopt an orphan from Indonesia?
The conflict made it more difficult to make peace through the process of granting imperial titles and territorial concessions.
Dogs may have learned to detect threat signs from humans and respond by trying to make peace, according to researcher Sanni Somppi.
We just make sure to give each other some peace when we need it.
Make peace with yourself for you are not at peace within and are accolading disachievement of us. We are not here to dis-achieve but to find our way to increasing union of self.
If you sacrifice women to make peace, you are also sacrificing the men who support them and abandoning the country to the fundamentalists that caused all the problems in the first place.
This is a glum prospect, though it is conceivable that Mr Netanyahu would feel obliged, as have other hard men before him, to change his mind about how to make peace with the Palestinians.
But how far Arab states will be willing to go now to make peace with Israel is unclear.
Pastrana had risked his life in an attempt to make peace, going alone to meet with the guerrillas in their lair.
Nations must not only make peace with their neighbors, they must make peace with themselves, and that means respecting diversity, and protecting it in law.
I closed my eyes and placed my hands together, trying to make peace with my overactive mind.
Furthermore, Lowther claims, the Palestinians would also rush to make peace, because the radioactive fallout from an Iranian attack on Jerusalem would kill them, too.
I remembered Yitzhak Rabin's adage: you do not make peace with your friends.
Rabin sighed, and in his deep, world-weary voice, said, I suppose one does not make peace with ones friends.
Mr Thaksin skirts the topic but insists he is ready to make peace and return home.
He talks, albeit vaguely, of his desire to make peace with his neighbours, presumably including Palestinians.
But isn't it better to make peace with your own body rather than voluntarily go under a knife?
Several times he broke the engagement off, and she would fall ill, and friends would make peace.
Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her; but the result of that attempt was directly to increase the war.
Nevertheless, he wanted to make peace with Syria, was confident the issues could be resolved, and wanted me to convene negotiations as soon as possible.
We had to work with a go-between called Emin: his job was to make peace between families.
He saved his country from war by falling to his knees on live TV and begged warring factions to make peace.
Mr Netanyahu's continuing slipperiness over the settlements has made Israel's Allies and neighbours wonder how much the prime minister wants to make peace.
He saved his country from war by falling to his knees on live TV and begged warring factions to make peace. So they did.
If the result is that there is a serious push to make peace talks work, then that's a win for the Palestinians.
That was eight years ago and I'm only now making beginning to make peace with my modern-day gender dilemma.
That was eight years ago and I'm only now making beginning to make peace with my modern-day gender dilemma.