Rossi needed to take on more craftsmen so they could make sure the orders were ready on time, and then, he also had to set up two new warehouses to make distribution quicker.
Those who are ready to become Masters of Time will no doubt celebrate this recalibration and will be ready to "ride" the waves of Cosmic Energy that also make one a "Master of Light Harmonics".
Because it will make you learn and improve faster. It will make you ready for the prime time sooner.
At this time of the year, anyone who hasn't found that ideal employer is usually toeing the line, ready to make the final dash.
Such towers can shorten the time it takes to ready a new job for production, but by themselves they may not necessarily make life easier for workers on the floor.
The purpose of the WAG generator is to provide the estimator with a rough and ready estimate that may be accurate enough to make decisions in the absence of time consuming analysis.
After all, until you are ready to make the leap into full-time consulting, you're still just exploring.
Just before your migration time, take another look at your cloud environment to make sure it is ready to be synchronized and accept production traffic.
Such organizations should be ready all the time to make life-or-death choices and have the organizational capability of self-sacrifice.
Practice good time management. Get assignments done before deadline. Never make your boss ask when something will be ready.
Men make jokes or just openly complain about the amount of time a woman spends getting ready.
Take care of your health. Make time for exercise, and get enough rest. Your body must be physically ready to take on challenges.
You know, we need to get the goods ready, make out the documents and book shipping space. All these take time.
You know , we need to get the goods ready, make out the documents and book shipping space. All these take time.
She began to make periodic phone calls to see when it would be ready, and was assured each time that it would be only a few days longer.
It will be long and boring at times, just being in your hotel, but you've got to do all that, use your time wisely and rest and make sure you're ready for the next game.
At the same time, on the basis of the above, something must be done to be ready for the internationalization of RMB, and make RMB play an important role in the future international monetary system.
Basant Art always counts' customer's satisfaction 'first; they keep five delivery trucks all-time ready to make sure every customer gets their dues on time.
In life we often make excuses about why it's not the right time - we are not ready, we need to do more research, we don't have enough money, and so forth.
Similarly, if it is vital that a garment is ready on time (eg for a wedding), you must make it clear to the cleaners and they must have accepted the article on this understanding.
Getting the goods ready, making out the documents and booking the shipping space, all this takes time, you know. You can't expect us to make shipment in less than a month.
I look at my desk one last time to make sure I haven't left anything behind, and I'm ready to head home.
Jack: I will make full use of the chance and get myself ready for the challenges all the time.
Jack: I will make full use of the chance and get myself ready for the challenges all the time.