Fashion and transparent appearance design is more attractive, as the best choice of make-up for you.
You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions.
Netball hands cast various difficult tricky problems for the ball, and it is up to you in a specified time to make the number of home base.
"I will let her off if you will give me more of your cheese tomorrow," he said, for he was determined to have something to make up to him for his fright.
Since we get about 4 cups' worth from fruits, vegetables, and other foods, that leaves 4 to 6 cups for you to make up with beverages.
由于我们从水果、蔬菜和其他食物中获得约4杯水的份量,剩下的 4至 6 杯水你可以用饮料来补充。
Not only will you become more confident with your look, you will also have the chance to help with the make up and styling for school activities like fashion shows and New Year's parties.
When you see something coming up on the horizon that might derail you, plan for it. Make it a part of your plan.
Make sure that your browser allows for pop-up Windows or else you may have some problems with the installation.
Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel.
Success only occurs when you grow up and make it occur. It's not about waiting for the right opportunity.
But if you make this context the core element in the curriculum, you are sacrificing depth for breadth, and you will end up with a superficial gallop through the centuries.
Whatever you do, please, for your sake, make time to back up periodically anything you don't want to lose.
Opportunities come and go; it is up to you, the individual, to make the best decision for yourself.
If you think staying in bed on the weekends will make up for a weeks' worth of sleep deprivation, think again.
This, combined with a handwritten thank-you note, will make the best possible impression and leave the door open for future follow-up-which you should do, of course!
Before leaving for the day, tidy up your desk and make a short list of projects you will need to do the next day.
You want users to sign up for your service, so make it as easy for them as possible.
When that strength has gone, you have a handicap but you can make up for it with experience.
Think of this as a hobbyist's test project, and if you come up with a killer app for it, you might just be able to make a profit anyway.
For all of these things you can tune up a model and make it work for a little while, but some basics are still missing.
When you ask for details, you make it harder for liars, who has to make new things up and also check that what they say is consistent with what they have said before.
At 23 I'm already tired of this corporate rhetoric that tries to convince you that a dream job can make up for a miserable personal life.
Many think oxygen doesn’t hurt and you can give as much as possible to make up for a deficiency.
But in the future can you trust its overseas growth to make up for its slowing home market?
Check out thrift stores for clothing you can cut up and customize, or use found items to make jewelry.
Making changes in your life is hard and if you don't make a conscious effort to set yourself up for success, failure is almost certain.
During the deployment you would provide configuration information for each of the parts that make up the pattern.
That's when you pick up enough cheap shares to more than make up for the expensive shares you bought when everybody was in love with these markets.
When you get in your car, you buckle up for safety, and if you're a parent, you make sure your children are buckled up, as well.
You might be surprised at the doors that open up for you - the connections you make and the knowledge you gain can be incredibly valuable.