Whenever famous actresses get together to make a "woman's film" you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.
If you can make a decent handaxe like this one, it's a good bet that you're well on the way to something we would all recognise as society.
If you ask 100 people to share a bit of advice regarding how to make a happy marriage, I'll bet you'll get 100 different thoughts on the subject.
If you have to travel and you want to make as little impact as possible on the climate, your best bet is to go by train, bus or even ship, found a new study. Airplanes are the next best option.
So instead of placing a $100 bet and making a dollar, you borrow a million dollars, make lots of bets on lots of teams, and make $20,000.
I bet most executives at big companies do their best thinking when they wake up on Sunday morning and go downstairs in their bathrobe to make a cup of coffee.
Pension funds could decide to make a geared bet on equities by borrowing money and investing in the S&P 500 index.
Funds that do have surplus cash are holding it in expectation of redemptions from spooked clients, or redeploying it in America where a correct bet on a restructuring opportunity can make a career.
In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand. The idea is to make the other players believe you have strong CARDS and are sure to win.
In poker, you bluff when you bet heavily on a poor hand. The idea is to make the other players believe you have strong CARDS and are sure to win.