These implicitly make a claim to the generality--at the national scale, or in the racial sense-- the representativeness of this life.
If the problem is in the goods itself, you may make a claim on the supplier.
If you make a claim that is not common knowledge, you must provide a citation to it.
By simply paying a small extra premium, car owners will be eligible to make a claim during the year.
If any of the articles was damaged during moving, you may make a claim for compensation with our department.
Because any country that wants to make a claim under the Law of the Sea must do so within a decade of ratifying it.
因为任何一个想要依据《海洋法》(Law ofthe Sea)提出主权要求的国家必须在其主张获得认可的十年内这样做。
Mover: OK. If any of the articles was damaged during moving, you may make a claim for compensation with our department.
But all they told me was that it must have gotten lost during the delivery, and I should make a claim with the postal service.
We discovered that the owner of this account, a foreigner has died intestate leaving no heirs or next of kin who could make a claim.
Most drafts tend to make a claim like this: "These two images both challenge notions of gender but they do so somewhat differently."
When may one lose his NCD? At this point of time, some car owners may be asking if they will lose their NCD should they make a claim.
Your employees did not make sure that the shipment was done in the best and safest way. Thus, we are entitled to make a claim against you.
If you make a claim about the results, you must provide enough information that the experiment can be reproduced by another researcher or research team.
Fortunately, the goods were fully insured under our standard policy with Lloyds of London, but in order to make a claim we shall need much more information.
And because these dependants make a claim on a country's income without adding to it, they also depress savings, thereby slowing the accumulation of capital and the growth of productivity.
The person entitled to make a claim for the loss of goods may treat the goods as lost if they have not been delivered within 60 consecutive days following the expiry of the time for delivery.
The buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.
The Buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.
The buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred thereafter shall be borne by the Seller.
Some claim that you want to force everyone to eat a vegetarian diet and make private transport illegal.
Tenants could not claim the apartments, and those who make a fuss could simply be locked up in their homes.
Well, the latest community website has found a way to make lending and borrowing much easier, or so they claim.
So your homework for this week is either take the arguments last week and set them out logic book style or choose a claim to like to make and see if you can set it out as an argument logic book style.
It might also be wise to consider asking for certain proofs to have been established before a firm can claim to be able to make a firm association between a disease and a DNA sequence.
Having each party initial each page of the contract will make it less likely that anyone could claim a page was changed after the contract was signed.
Make sure to document everything and consult this handy online valuation guide so you can claim a generous deduction on your tax return next year.
务必把每样东西都登记,可以在网上(估价指南valuation guide)随时查看,以便能够在次年的报税单上要求减税额。
Maybe someone will make some pickles, maybe Mom will slice off a few rounds for her tired eyes... but really, aside from pickles and eye treatments, what is a cucumber's claim to fame?
You can often use more than one type of evidence within a paper, but make sure that within each section you are providing the reader with evidence appropriate to each claim.
You can often use more than one type of evidence within a paper, but make sure that within each section you are providing the reader with evidence appropriate to each claim.