These implicitly make a claim to the generality--at the national scale, or in the racial sense-- the representativeness of this life.
Some claim that you want to force everyone to eat a vegetarian diet and make private transport illegal.
Well, the latest community website has found a way to make lending and borrowing much easier, or so they claim.
So your homework for this week is either take the arguments last week and set them out logic book style or choose a claim to like to make and see if you can set it out as an argument logic book style.
It might also be wise to consider asking for certain proofs to have been established before a firm can claim to be able to make a firm association between a disease and a DNA sequence.
In my mind I'm thinking okay if you want to write a pseudonymous letter and claim to be Paul, how do you make it convincing?
But I do claim that people have private property; policymakers need a good reason to take such property away; and taking it away simply in order to make people poorer is not legitimate.
You can often use more than one type of evidence within a paper, but make sure that within each section you are providing the reader with evidence appropriate to each claim.
This is an utterly fantastic claim to make at a time when expected European inflation is, if anything, too low, and what's roiling the markets is fear of more or less immediate financial collapse.
Maybe someone will make some pickles, maybe Mom will slice off a few rounds for her tired eyes... but really, aside from pickles and eye treatments, what is a cucumber's claim to fame?
And because these dependants make a claim on a country's income without adding to it, they also depress savings, thereby slowing the accumulation of capital and the growth of productivity.
You must be wondering what I'm talking about with such a title like that but as you will read on here, I'll be able to hopefully make this claim quite convincing.
With the amount we make falling as we age, the protein has become a key ingredient of many creams that claim to rejuvenate the skin and smooth away wrinkles.
Many private investors are blissfully unaware of market developments, but for all intents and purposes no professional who works in and with these markets from day to day can make such a claim.
Other studies make a slightly less sweeping claim: that adding wind power to the grid can reduce the overall cost of electricity.
The respondent may accept the arbitration claim or object to it. It has a right to make a counterclaim.
Make sure to document everything and consult this handy online valuation guide so you can claim a generous deduction on your tax return next year.
务必把每样东西都登记,可以在网上(估价指南valuation guide)随时查看,以便能够在次年的报税单上要求减税额。
a claim for the individual's capacity to make a moral judgment after some period of trial, or after some period of experimentation.
Because any country that wants to make a claim under the Law of the Sea must do so within a decade of ratifying it.
因为任何一个想要依据《海洋法》(Law ofthe Sea)提出主权要求的国家必须在其主张获得认可的十年内这样做。
URIClient will strip off the parameters (i.e., claim=25222) and will attempt to make a socket connection to the URIServer at a port number known to the client and server.
URIClient将移除参数(即,claim=25222)并将尝试在客户机和服务器已知的端口号上建立与URIServer 之间的套接字连接。
The first difference, therefore, is a result of our attempt to make the sample application easy to test, and has no significance to the design of the solution for the Claim Check pattern.
因此,第一个区别是由于我们尝试使样例应用程序易于测试而出现的,且它对Claim Check模式解决方案的设计没有任何意义。
Individual Privacy: Ensure there is a place to make personal phone calls or do sensitive work (ex: filing a health claim or writing a performance review).
You will also receive compensation for loss of business, though you will have to make a separate claim.
It is very hard to make sense of the claim that such a God is deficient in some relevant respect.
To me it seems as self-evident as anything could be, that to make a promise, for instance, is to create a moral claim on us in someone else.
By simply paying a small extra premium, car owners will be eligible to make a claim during the year.
The respondent may accept or refuse an arbitration claim and shall have the right to make a counter-claim.
The respondent may accept or refuse an arbitration claim and shall have the right to make a counter-claim.