It's about a washed up pro-wrestler trying to make a comeback.
Russian leadership is likely to change and old ideology tries to make a comeback.
But market analysts say the centuries-old time-telling tool is trying to make a comeback.
If leg warmers could make a comeback, then so can the eco-friendly ways of our forefathers.
Funding that had been conditional on buying goods from donor countries could make a comeback.
Fashion experts agree that since longer and Bohemian style skirts have started to make a comeback.
It make a comeback as the first boss in Metal Slug X, but is colored military green instead of red.
Yes, the world appears to have dodged the bullet, they say, but SARS may very well make a comeback.
Plus, chefs are predicting spices to make a comeback, as people will be buying cheaper cuts of meat.
Of all the game genres to make a comeback this year, who would've picked the side-scrolling platformer?
He's great in the role of the struggling actor trying to make a comeback after one big success in a series.
他的表演很出色,他扮演的角色是 一个很努力的演员,在一系列大的成功之后,尝试着做个回归。
In a sad way he did make a comeback. His death has pushed sales of his music back to the top of the charts again.
MySpace doesn't quite make a comeback, but gets a fresh start of sorts with its music and entertainment offerings.
In the tumult of the past two years, dividends have been all but forgotten. Now they are starting to make a comeback.
Pauline Chen, analyst at Credit Suisse, is confident there is still room for grey-market manufacturers to make a comeback.
瑞信(Credit Suisse)分析师PaulineChen表示相信,灰色市场手机制造商还有东山再起的机会。
I think whether he can make a comeback depends on his own attitude "says ma during a break from a pickup game in Beijing."
Yao has been undergoing treatment and training in recent months, but doubts about whether he could make a comeback persists.
Sometimes a few words of comfort to the one who has just failed may encourage him to stand up and even try to make a comeback.
The Walt Disney Company hopes their iconic mouse will make a comeback this year with a redesign that promises a more futuristic look.
Owen is almost ready to make a comeback and so it's not unlikely that we will finally see him back in action on Tuesday against Bochum.
Not everything from the Depression can make a comeback: sealed Windows in modern bank buildings make it hard for people to jump out of them.
The teaching of grammar, punctuation and spelling is set to make a comeback in Australian schools in a bid to reverse falling standards of literacy.
From the bargain racks, he buys clothes that were too far ahead of the curve. From the thrift shops, he buys clothes that are ready to make a comeback.
It took another half a century and the development of quieter, rubber-covered surfaces by the Goodyear Tire Company for moving walkways to make a comeback.
It took another half a century and the development of quieter, rubber-covered surfaces by the Goodyear Tire Company for moving walkways to make a comeback.