Before you write an article, you should make a draft to get your ideas in order.
You'll have a few moments to prepare your speech, so you can make a draft first.
OK, we'll have a careful look at the content of your case study in a minute, but I just want to make a general comment first, before you start writing your second draft.
In desperation, you draft a "to-do" list, but most days, you can make little progress with it.
Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that is unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.
When you have a good draft, it's time to make final improvements to your draft, find and correct any errors, and get someone else to give you feedback.
Make sure that there is a market for what you want to publish before you have a 300-page draft gathering dust in your bottom desk drawer; I did that once, and it is a bittersweet experience at best.
With the early draft out, the other expert groups can comment and provide feedback to make this integration a reality.
This would make an IPCC target of reducing global emissions by 25-40% by 2020 unrealisable, which is why India's negotiators insisted that the target be removed from a draft of the Bali Action Plan.
It is reported that since 2006, before any new major policy or law goes into force, a draft version has been put on the Internet for criticism to help make improvements.
Dr Paabo says he will have a rough draft of the entire Neanderthal genome within two years, and that he has devised a way to make pyrosequencing ten times faster.
Once you have a first draft on paper, you can delete material that in unrelated to your thesis and add material necessary to illustrate your points and make your paper convincing.
Here's a first draft. Please check it and make any necessary corrections. Then I'll print the final draft.
Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.
Advantage is that it can make people feel convenient, because it can put the shoes is transferred to a minimum, easy to play good draft.
Firstly, it makes a research on the forming of neighboring right in our country and make an introduction on the current system Civil Code Draft concerning neighboring right in our country.
The planning drawing up organ shall make appropriate revision of a draft planning according to the conclusion and recommendation of the planning EIA documents.
Students are required to integrate an original idea, producing plan and the story scheme into a draft and finally to make a producing script.
I called home to make sure the draft board knew I hadn't been a draft resister for nine days and asked what I should do.
Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece.
Further I make a detail list of the needed components, and fix the die shut height reasonably; draft the assembly drawing.
The Bucks have the eighth overall pick in the draft and could make a move up or down, depending on developments ahead of them. But it's clear they like Alexander's toughness and potential.
"Yeah, that would be great," said Lin, who said the team has to get through the draft lottery, NBA draft and free agency with a number of decisions to make.
Nick Baird, must develop the rules and submit them to a legislative panel for approval, Weiss said. Baird also plans to make public a draft of the rules and take comments from the public.
Rough luck for Chicago. Maybe one of these days they'll draft a stud who can make something of the organization for once...
The draft law was designed to nail down property relations, make full use of properties and better protect owners, said a senior legislative official who declined to be identified.
UK scientists have released draft sequences of the wheat genome, which they think could make a vital contribution to securing global food supplies.
Once you pinpoint a good time, draft a plan to make your workation go as smoothly as possible.
Once you pinpoint a good time, draft a plan to make your workation go as smoothly as possible.