True. When I tell my kids to behaves themselves, they will make a face and slip away.
They remove the insides of the pumpkin and cut pieces from the outside to make a face.
They remove the insides of the pumpkin, and cut pieces from the outside to make a face.
In addition to the school to make a face to face encounter, their lives rarely intersect.
Many times people make a face for me that they wouldn't make for a professional photographer.
Seeing her weeping, I thought I should try to have the same feeling as her, or to make a face of empathy.
It suggests some reference for the managers of man-power resource to know how to make a face-to-face talk if possible.
Stress arises from repressing your feelings, so go on, make a face that fits your inner feelings. Its effective, funny, and relaxing, but it's best if you are the only watcher!
It's a problem all of us face: you have limited time with the person that you want to talk and you want to make this talk memorable.
Their inability to scowl seemed to impair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one's face fall.
Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.
Moreover, make sure that a smoker washes his hands and face, and changes his clothes before picking up the baby.
We have to make a decision when we face life or death.
The dolls help her not only make a living, but also face life bravely.
If you make a mistake, don't try to hide it. Face it and correct it.
These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible, so they make up an excuse—a lie—to save face.
If you can make funny (but not ugly) faces, make a funny (but not ugly) face and then smile.
Yet, not a single person on the face of this earth knows how to make me.
But AIDS advocates say they face a wealth of restrictions that make it hard to carry out grass-roots activities.
You can even make a shrine or an altar that you can face when you sit in meditation.
Severe depression can push a person to face unpalatable truths and make difficult decisions that ultimately promote their survival and reproductive success.
Do not cake on a layer of extra face and make your eye lashes look like spider legs.
Those who falsely accuse helpers of causing their injuries will face punishments ranging from having to make a public apology to paying fines or even detention.
In practice, some have failed to make such contributions in the face of budget pressures (New Jersey is a repeat offender).
Simply putting on a happy face, as the classic song lyric advises, can make a difference.
He was wearing a ragged black overcoat, but she could make out blood on his hands and face.
But there is another story, one of ordinary people persevering in the face of incredible odds to make a better life for themselves and their children.
Learn from the experience: the sole purpose of every experience is to make you a better person who can confidently face whatever life has to offer.
Funny inspirational quotes never run out of fashion, they never fail to make you laugh or just give a smile on your long sad face.
It usually takes a little bit of Hollywood magic to convincingly make a cloud look like a person's face, but a man in New Brunswick, Canada might have seen the real thing.