We will make a fresh start in our relations with Russia, with the aim of building a strategic partnership, "he said."
Lom says the program offers displaced families the opportunity to make a fresh start after losing their homes three years ago.
You may make a fresh start at any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Like most joint ventures, both sides have to agree on major decisions. But with full ownership, Sony will have the opportunity to make a fresh start.
Mr Kouchner long urged a warming of French ties with Rwanda, but it was Claude gueant, Mr Sarkozy's chief of staff, who went to Kigali last year to make a fresh start.
库什内一直敦促法国缓和与卢旺达的关系。但是却是萨科奇的参谋长Claude gueant,去年前往基加利另起炉灶。
In arranged marriages, the couple usually knows very little about the other, so your past won't bother your present much and you can make a fresh start into a new life.
Some Crabs will make a fresh start via a spring clean, renovation, change of residence or new house-mate. Others will encounter problems with a fractious family member.
I am looking to make a fresh start in my life, to be with the woman who can open her heart and soul to me, and who I can share my whole self with, without any reservations.
Start with just one activity, and make a plan for how you will deal with troubles when they occur (" If I have a craving for a snack, I will eat one piece of fresh or three pieces of dried fruit. ").
Start each day with an alkalizing glass of lemon water by squeezing a fresh lemon (no sugar) into purified water. Make sure you include the pulp.
MySpace doesn't quite make a comeback, but gets a fresh start of sorts with its music and entertainment offerings.
Make a plan. Forget about failures in the past, set a date, and start fresh with a solid plan.
Changing careers. It's exciting to think about making a fresh start. But especially in today's economy, make sure you have a Plan b.
We could make a start by being guided by people that understand the very root cause of our problems and have fresh, radical ideas as to their resolution.
President Osamu Masuko said the Japanese company has to make 'a fresh start in China, ' where it has lagged behind rivals, and may have to look for a new joint-venture partner among local auto makers.
As long as you can make time and crave for fresh air, we do welcome for your joining to start a pure heart journey.
As long as you can make time and crave for fresh air, we do welcome for your joining to start a pure heart journey.