No matter what the answer is, it's time to make a guess, as in Listing 10.
Birth dates for Cedrella and Septimus are unknown, but we can make a guess at Cedrella's birth dates.
Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word.
Nevertheless, anyone of us Nokia lovers could easily make a guess on what are they going to come up with this time.
Why fireworks could not shoot stars off? Can't you make a guess? Well, let me tell you, because stars could flash away!
Because you don't know how much more time you've got — you can make a guess based on statistics, but as we saw, there's wild unpredictability.
In this paper, theorems are given on the minimum polynominal of Modified DE Bruijn sequences. We make a guess on the minimum polynominal of Modified DE Bruijn sequences.
Option holders must wait for expiration, then make a best guess whether to exercise their options, or allow them to expire.
Mrs. Hale : Duty’s all right , but I guess that deputy sheriff that came out to make fire might have a little of this on .
Would it be beyond a philosopher's research, think ye, gentlemen, to analyse that child's nature, and, from its make and mould, to give a shrewd guess at the father?
Conditional preload - based on a user action you make an educated guess where the user is headed next and preload accordingly.
A good example is to make it extremely difficult to guess process identifiers by randomly allocating Numbers from a reasonable large random number pool.
I don't know how well you can make it out but there's a little broom guy there with glasses, playing air guitar with his broom, and I guess this is meant to capture the spirit of the contributors.
There are only two approaches I know of: guess and hope you're right, or deliver the software in small bits and make adjustments as you get a better understanding of what the customer really needs.
I won't make predictions, but McKinsey Quarterly has a guess: poorly.
If you have a word that is not in the built-in vocabularies, the TTS can make a reasonable guess at how it should sound to be spoken.
Managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance.
Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance.
Knowing both its size and its mass, he wasthen able to calculate its density, and thus make a plausible guess about itscomposition.
In fact, my program crashes because I end up trying to divide by zero, a really bad thing. Hint: if you implement Newton's method, do not make your first guess zero.
There are probably a few things you're doing that make women feel a little strange at first (this is just a guess, as most guys have things they could improve).
也许有一些一开始你就做着的让女人们感到有点陌生的事情。 (仅仅是猜测,因为大多数小伙子们都有些可以改善提高的地方。)
Make category boundaries as crisp as possible (i.e., easy to guess whether desired item is within or outside a category).
Although you might be able to make an educated guess and output something, it helps to have a decent grasp of the terms.
The only solution is to make exercising and relaxing the mind a part of your daily routine in such a way that you don't get a chance to second guess yourself.
With virtual machines we can make an educated guess about our initial resource allocation; if it proves inadequate, we can correct it with a few key strokes.
Every investor knows to buy low, but how do you make an educated guess about whether a stock is near the bottom or has further to fall?
She was nearly heartbroken when he ran off. I guess his return will make a jubilee to her.
She was nearly heartbroken when he ran off. I guess his return will make a jubilee to her.