On no account should we make a joke of others' shortcomings because everyone has his own disadvantages.
I could make a joke and say that now it is you who are "crying Wolf."
When she picked up the phone I tried to make a joke of it, but she did not see the humor in it.
We often make some bad inventions, often make a joke, shampoo here to tell you about the story.
You know, I was going to make a joke about this, but I — [Laughter] I don't think it needs a joke.
I am tempted to make a joke about this, but I don't want to incur the wrath of the leisure scientists.
It's easy to say "make a joke of it," but it's hard to do when you're feeling angry, scared, bored, or upset.
He will leave here tomorrow, maybe he will say goodbye to me in French to make a joke, I think I won't laugh.
I don't want to make a joke about this, but this certainly needs more compliance than taking two or three pills a day.
Some people are nervous and having Wayne come round to them to have a chat or make a joke is something that's very relaxing.
Personally when I make a joke about DKs being OP, I am alluding to the the fact that they were OP, particularly right after we shipped.
从我个人角度来说,当我拿d K很OP来开玩笑的时候,我其实是在影射DK在过去确实OP。
The next time Americans make a joke about the Europeans and their taste for la dolce vita, they ought to take a look a bit closer to home.
So don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if the audience is unsure about it then you can always make a joke out of it.
Below is the last known photo of Elvis... I would like it noted that I did not make a joke about there possibly being a bucket of chicken in the front seat.
He is different. My uncle is very humor (I doubt I humor has his genetic components), even if people say a very common topic, he can also searching for ways to make a joke.
For instance, if I was in trouble, those friends who are intelligent are more likely to put forth some constructive Suggestions for me, while humorous friends may make a joke on me in a improper time.
Mr. Nolan, working from a script he wrote with his brother Jonathan Nolan, does make room for romance and tears and even an occasional joke.
If I were a joke book, I'd be open everyday. And make you laugh happily.
Weddings - make me speechless... I wanted to write a short "no comment", but it was too strange for me not to joke about.
Though entranced by the Joker, Mr. Nolan, working from a script he wrote with his brother Jonathan Nolan, does make room for romance and tears and even an occasional (nonlethal) joke.
However we have all had days when we make a terrible first impression by making an off joke or just saying the wrong thing because of nerves or a simple slip of the tongue.
Next time you see my family and someone's telling a joke, do yourself a favor: Make yourself invisible.
And Mr Obama may be hoping to make his relationship with the other "person of colour" less of a joke.
The only way of limiting the damage would have been to make a deft joke against himself in the way that Tony Blair could, Cameron can, or, indeed, as Peter Mandelson can.
Naughty guys want to play a joke with him by stealing his mirror when once they came to make a field work outside, in a remote forest.
Willingness to make mistakes means being ready to put yourself in potentially embarrassing situations: talk to strangers in the language, ask for directions, order food, try to tell a joke.
That was a joke, but it does have a serious point. If the Chinese industry is going to make the transition, it will need an immense training programme.
That was a joke, but it does have a serious point. If the Chinese industry is going to make the transition, it will need an immense training programme.