I was almost of an age with Robb, and my father thought we might make a match.
My broad-minded grand-uncle tried his best to make a match of it but did not succeed.
It's like telling your horoscope; if you're general enough, you're going to make a match.
Simply tap on a pair of socks to make a match, and get huge combo bonuses by finding more pairs.
Make a match and help to realize the deal of wood products for those domestic manufacturers, dealers, exporters and consumers who have enrolled as our charge members.
服务内容: 为注册成为鱼珠木材网收费会员的国内外生产商、经销商、出口商及终端用户提供木材及制品的现货交易撮合服务。
Matchmaking is used to make a match between supply and demand in inadequacy information market. The complex and changeful market information make it more difficult to confirm precise specification.
A research engineer worked with Kitts to make the computer programs match her real movements more and more closely.
A spelling routine examines words one by one and compares them to a standard known list, pointing out those that don't match, making Suggestions, and allowing you to make changes.
This approach allows software developers to contribute to a project through the types of models that best match the kinds of information and decisions they make.
Some realistic data was added to make the overall party data closely match a typical MDM business scenario.
We know very well that couples the same age, who look like a perfect match on paper, can't always make things work when they have children.
Indeed, if the program really cannot make up its mind whether two shreds match or not, it refers the matter to a human operator.
A tennis commentator will make thoughtful comments about how the match is progressing, and he or she will only ever speak between points.
For that, you inquire a list of all users in the back-end user repository, as well as a list of all CM users, in order to make them match.
Thankfully, Scala treats exception handling as just another pattern match, allowing us to make smart choices when presented with a multiplicity of potential exceptions. Let's see this in action.
Then, to create your report, take an existing sample report, make a copy of it, and rename it MyReport.xsl to match the information added to the reports.manifest file.
然后开始创建你的报告,获得现有的报告样本,复制然后重命名为MyReport. xsl,与加到reports . manifest文件的信息相匹配。
Edit SearchPersonWithLTPA.xml and make any necessary modifications to match your environment, including updating the BinarySecurityToken with a fresh LTPA token.
编辑SearchPersonWithLTPA . xml并根据环境做必要的修改,包括用新的ltpa令牌更新BinarySecurityToken。
That "s why we" re offering a microwave mentality for the Crock-Pot reality: quick, easy things you can do to make her heating speeds better match yours.
When you want to find files that match a certain range, make two dummy files whose timestamps delineate the range.
The company put a lot of effort into redoing its movie-making and photo-editing programs to better match up against Apple's and plans to make those programs a centerpiece of its holiday ad push.
You can use the motion capture data as a starting place, tweak the timing and poses to make it more caricatured, then apply it to the chicken and the motion will match the design of the character.
Keep in mind that as you enter your user name according to your (hopefully well-practiced) timings, it make take a few tries to enter your user name with enough precision to match the expected values.
That would make it the world's fastest computer, but it comes with a price tag to match—about a billion dollars.
Make sure you have a full job description from the employer so you can match your skills to the jobs requirements.
If you follow the shoes + bag rule and could never work mismatching shoes and bag, always buy your shoes and bags together to make sure they are a perfect match.
Because search queries telegraph a user's intent with precision, they make it possible to match people with the right ads at the right moment.
One player doesn't make a team, and we have got a lot of players who can win you a match out of nothing, not just me, and we'll need to do that to make sure we do well.
One player doesn't make a team, and we have got a lot of players who can win you a match out of nothing, not just me, and we'll need to do that to make sure we do well.