Phillips boasted that with Elvis on his label, he would make a million dollars.
Why give a million dollars to someone if they have not proved that they can make a million dollars?
What do you do if you want to short-circuit the process and make a million bucks in a couple of years?
"Watching people make a million-dollar decision on every hand is great TV," said a Travel Channel representative.
Think you're beyond the age limit to make a million? Think again. Experience and maturity come with their own benefits.
You start nine businesses that fail and then the tenth one succeeds and you make a million bucks -- those are damn good odds.
Annie: it is, isn 't it? You make a million decisions that mean nothing and then one day, you order take-out and it changes your life.
In other words, for the average wage earner to make a million dollars, he or she would have to work 40 hours a week for approximately 21 years.
Take note of the reasons you aren't a millionaire and resolve to make changes that will make a million dollars obtainable, even for the average person.
The basic premise is that our subconscious is able to make a million quality decisions before our conscious mind can awkwardly fumble across a single one.
The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to "make a fortune in real estate with no money down" and "dressing for success".
We can make a very good estimate from the fossil record that humans probably evolved naked skin around a million and a half years ago.
Good genes can make even a cow worth a million dollars, assuming you can milk that out of a buyer.
Rolls-Royce has spent more than a million dollars to make a working prototype -- the 102EX.
So instead of placing a $100 bet and making a dollar, you borrow a million dollars, make lots of bets on lots of teams, and make $20,000.
If I told you I'd give you a million bucks if you flossed your teeth right now, you'd run out and get some floss and make it happen, right?
But companies cannot readily scale up the process from the 400 million doses of regular flu vaccine they make each year to the billions needed in a pandemic.
Based on as many as a million sensors, CENSE will make it possible to create a far clearer picture of oil and gas reservoirs than previously possible.
He had simulated it all in his head a million times. And to make sure that no one suspected he was from out of state he had worked hard to learn to speak in the local slang.
German also coughed up a couple hundred million, which will be used to make German depositors whole.
While getting an XO laptop is a slim possibility (unless you're willing to make the minimum million quantity order), you can experiment with the XO laptop using the QEMU PC emulator.
The 12 counties that make up the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area have a total population of around 6.3-million.
They said that he could move decimal points telekinetically, that he owned the global rights to the number three quintillion seventeen, that he could make a penny feel like a million bucks.
This means that a parent can give a child as much as $5 million tax free; if two parents are involved, make that $10 million.
Thefilm took more than five years to make and was reportedly one of themost expensive films, with a budget of at least $300 million。
Thefilm took more than five years to make and was reportedly one of themost expensive films, with a budget of at least $300 million。