He says he will make a proposal on the issue at an IAEA board meeting in June.
So with all of this in mind, I'd like to make a proposal: it's time for a new iconic image of the moment we became human.
But the relatives of converts influencing my children was the reason which finally made me decide to not make a proposal.
Finally, you need to make a concrete, specific call to action - what the audience can do right now to implement your proposal.
Tensions resurfaced over a Franco-German proposal to rewrite European Union treaties to make a bail-out fund for troubled euro-zone economies permanent.
This will help make a positive impression on the client and may ultimately be the determining factor behind the client's decision to go with your proposal or someone else's.
You can make modifications and changes to these mappings, as well as add new Task mappings, only before it has been published and associated to a proposal or project.
If your best friend just got married or you recently finished a major proposal at work, it's natural to sleep more in order to make up for lost z's.
Additionally, a process must exist to trigger the creation of a proposal, guide the maturation of it, and ultimately to make a decision to commission or authorize the start of the project.
As such a replacement can be of any length, it would not make sense to show it in the content assistants proposal selection window.
If there is a project proposal presentation, make sure you plan a brief technology demonstration for your customer.
Evaluate each proposal on its own merit — and in context — with your goals and environment in mind, and make sure the architectures and techniques you want to try are justified and a good fit.
Perry thought neither proposal was acceptable to the US. "I think if we try to make it a treaty, we are not going to get anywhere," he said.
Still, the recent shutdown in Egypt has raised new concerns about a proposal in the United States Congress. Critics say the legislation could make similar action possible in America.
A proposal form is enclosed as requested, and please fill out and then return it by the end of this month, otherwise that may make it difficult to issue the policy in time.
Give everybody a proposal here, had better make forum him author into character of this kind of hero.
Allan has brought us a proposal of the Supreme Intelligence, which suggests that we make a certain change in our strategy.
Your boss is very receptive to your ideas right now; take this opportunity to make a bold proposal.
This article tries on the overseas community to nurse the characteristic to make a summary, and proposes in our country application concrete proposal.
He claims BMS used its insider knowledge about his proposal for a split (BMS has its own man on ImClone's board) to make a preemptive bid, so it could buy the firm at a cheaper price.
If you have a big proposal to present or plans to make with a sweetheart, partner, or mate, you will want to do so during this phase.
The procurement committee said that they were ready to make a decision and granted Rich ninety minutes to present his proposal.
He offers a bold proposal on how to make math education relevant in the digital age.
A case study taken on will make out the risk of ERP project management at length, and the author also gives a feasible proposal.
A case study taken on will make out the risk of ERP project management at length, and the author also gives a feasible proposal.