Make a request to a document using a Web browser.
There are certain things you need to do in order to make a request for the divorce records.
Network transaction time: How long it takes the client to make a request to the remote web service.
网络交易时间(Net work transaction time):客户机需花多长时间向远程Web服务发出一个请求。
The suggest function uses an XMLHttpRequest object to make a request to the /xfsuggest/suggest URL.
suggest函数使用XMLHttpRequest对象请求 /xfsuggest/suggestURL。
Here you can make a request for payout as soon as your accounts balance hits our payout minimum.
The basic sequence is that a server (application) is started, which waits for the client to make a request.
The non-Chinese-speaking foreigner gestured to make a request, but he just couldn't get his idea across.
So, when you're getting ready to make a request, imagine that you're doing so on behalf of your team or a colleague.
Neither party may bring a suit before a law court or make a request to any other organization for revising the arbitral award.
As an example of an API request, you will make a request to retrieve the friends for the authenticated user. Recall the structure of a Graph API.
Every time you get a new user or someone interacts with your application, the Facebook servers make a request that hits your server, so plan for that.
A better approach is to state your feelings and make a request that your partner can accept, modify, or say no to, without fearing it is a test of love.
Article 46 a no-fault party shall have the right to make a request for damage compensation under any of the following circumstances bringing about divorce.
Now whenever those events are fired, you'll call the submission action and thus make a request to your server for some Suggestions for your autosuggest field.
There must be a way to make a request of that object so it will do something, such as complete a transaction, draw something on screen or turn on a switch.
This merchant not only is "pushing" his products in the system, but also "pulling" by customers whenever they make a request about the particular product.
The logic in a CustomService is executed during server startup and can activate an MBean without requiring some external application client to make a request to the server.
Some of these features are the ability to search for available resources to satisfy demand, make a request for assignment of a resource, and analyze organization utilization.
Using these technologies, it is possible for an application to query a UDDI repository, find information about a desired Web service, and make a request to that Web service.
You learned how to write business and headings and salutations, state your purpose, make a request, set expectations for a response, and wrap it up with a Very Truly Yours.
你学会了怎样写商务和普通信件的标题、称呼,说明你的目的,提出要求,定出期望的回应,并以一个“Very Truly Yours”的落款结束。
Because CORBA is language independent, it relies on an interface definition language (IDL) to express how clients will make a request to the service that implements the interface.
If an edge server needs to make a request to the origin server for every request, then it has no value (and in fact, costs more than just making the request to the origin server itself).
If your request is for information about a child, please contact the registrar to find out how to make such a request.
To do this, make a HEAD request and then check for a 404 error in your callback function; Listing 11 shows a sample callback.
The code shown so far demonstrated all the components that make up a complete HTTP request.
The code shown so far demonstrated all the components that make up a complete HTTP request.