Although you might be able to make an educated guess and output something, it helps to have a decent grasp of the terms.
Conditional preload - based on a user action you make an educated guess where the user is headed next and preload accordingly.
If they really must know, they can make an educated guess from other information she gives, such as when she graduated from college.
Every investor knows to buy low, but how do you make an educated guess about whether a stock is near the bottom or has further to fall?
In other words, You determined this from the context of the sentence. You put the clues together to make an educated guess about an unfamiliar word.
With virtual machines we can make an educated guess about our initial resource allocation; if it proves inadequate, we can correct it with a few key strokes.
With virtual machines we can make an educated guess about our initial resource allocation; if it proves inadequate, we can correct it with a few key strokes.